Recent content by CZHunter

  1. C

    (3) 'Pokemon 151' Brand T-Shirts, D/P Power Pack Image, Nationals! [6/25]

    $42. It says it on the news article on the front page...
  2. C

    anyone know

    Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you just answer your own question?
  3. C

    Finished The Chain Game (You-person-person-you)

    RE: The Chain Game Latios
  4. C

    Finished The Chain Game (You-person-person-you)

    RE: The Chain Game Kakuna.
  5. C

    Ruling Old sets

    Hobby store near me still sells Team Rocket Boosters for cheap. However, you'll be handing over a nice wad of cash for an original Base Set Booster (~$6 per Booster).
  6. C

    Ruling Lost Zone

    I just hope that Lost Zone means you can't ever get it out. That would be the best way to separate it from TCGs like MtG.
  7. C

    A Metagame Without DRE

    Kingdra LV.52 – Water – HP130 Stage 2 – Evolves from Seadra [.] Aqua Stream: Choose any number of Water Energy in your discard pile, show them to your opponent, and do 10 damage for each Energy card. Then, return those Energy to your deck and shuffle your deck. [W] Dragon Pump: 40 damage...
  8. C

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. I call shenanigans...
  9. C

    a little help for the new guy...

    I would use Gill Sans Condensed Bold - It's exactly what the cards use. You may not be hitting it dead-on because not all parts of the card use Condensed Bold. Also, some parts of the text are with different widths, something you can't really use Paint for.
  10. C

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. After recollecting for a few months, I finally legitly pulled my first Lv. X today: A Honchkrow, which was in one of the four SW packs I bought. Quite excited considering Honchkrow's rarity.
  11. C

    (1) Legends Awakened Booster Pack and Theme Deck Images [6/23]

    This will be awesome. Worthy of my first booster box purchase. :)
  12. C

    Finished The Chain Game (You-person-person-you)

    RE: The Chain Game Kingdra
  13. C

    Ruling What set...

    They're split: Two are in one, and one's in the other.
  14. C

    Buying packs vs ebay

    But you also lose the element of randomness and surprise that comes with boosters. Also, a random booster with a Lv. X for ~$3.50 >>>>>>> a $30 Lv. X off eBay.
  15. C

    Finished The Chain Game (You-person-person-you)

    RE: The Chain Game Totodile