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  • Oh, amazing that you can visit here, it's a beautiful place to vacation! And I'll be sure to check up those deck tomorrow with more time. So if you eventually come here, don't hesitate to PM me and maybe you can even visit our League! :D
    Oh, Punta Arenas, I know where that is, almost in Tierra de Fuego. xD That's pretty far into the south of Chile. I'm actually from Costa Rica, so, we're both a bit under the radar when it comes to locations, most people think that it's an island. :p But it's great to see another latin partner here, nice! And I have a Delphox/Emboar deck(it's somewhere in the Deck Garage, if you want to see it), it's a very fun deck to use. :D And how do you play Aegislash? Keldeo+Float Stone and/or Klinklang?
    Hello, welcome to PokéBeach! I hope you enjoy this site! :D I'm guessing by your username that you're from... Greece, maybe? And what Pokémon are your decks built around?
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