Recent content by Darkrai415

  1. Darkrai415

    (1) Movie 13 Location Scouting and Teaser Trailer [10/13]

    The era of sucky Pokemon movies is long gone. =]
  2. Darkrai415

    (1) Mamoswine GL from 'Rising Rivals' and Decision [5/4]

    I think we can handle dealing with the Japanese scans, they're awesome enough as it is. Become a judge!
  3. Darkrai415

    (1) "Number of Games" Quiz [4/27]

    It took me the better part of 10 minutes to understand what you meant. Blonde moment! Don't bother. I'll shoot myself.
  4. Darkrai415

    Battle now? Redshark Battle. I'll be waiting.
  5. Darkrai415

    (2) New Arceus CoroCoro Image, Redshark Mac Release and Updates [2/10]

    The way I see it, since a new Pokemon game comes out every two years (I think), I think we would have to wait for the GS remakes until 2011. I am however iffy about the timespan between RS, FRLG, and E. If I'm not mistaken, the time between each of those games was one year, so maybe GS remake...
  6. Darkrai415

    (2) New Arceus CoroCoro Image, Redshark Mac Release and Updates [2/10]

    It might probably have just as useless a role as Regigigas did in movie 11, lol.
  7. Darkrai415

    (2) Platinum Coverage, New Rotom Formes Revealed! [9/10]

    A toaster, a washing machine, a fan, a fridge and a lawn mower.... I think the lawn mower is kind of random, lol.
  8. Darkrai415

    (1) This Week's Poll [9/4]

    Based on the RSE dex entries, Kyogre and Groudon created the continents and oceans (not respectively). However, I think Dialga and Palkia shaped a particular continent to form the land of Sinnoh. They didn't just create Sinnoh from thin air. They took Groudon and Kyogre's creations to form...
  9. Darkrai415

    (2) Better Quality Legends Awakened Scans, Promo Mewtwo LV.X and Rhyperior LV.X Scans [9/1]

    RE: (1) Promo Mewtwo LV.X and Rhyperior LV.X Scans [9/1] Rhyperior was always a pretty ugly Pokemon. I don't think there can be a good pose for it. Lol
  10. Darkrai415

    (2) Better Quality Legends Awakened Scans, Promo Mewtwo LV.X and Rhyperior LV.X Scans [9/1]

    RE: (1) Promo Mewtwo LV.X and Rhyperior LV.X Scans [9/1] I absolutely LOVE the artwork for Mewtwo! Genius!
  11. Darkrai415

    New Fake Pokemon

    the goat pokemon are cool. ice/ground???
  12. Darkrai415

    New Fake Pokemon

    The name "Crygon" comes to my mind when looking at your stage 2 Ice/Dragon Pokemon.
  13. Darkrai415

    My new Shaymin, Darkrai, other artwork.

    Those are really good. The Darkrai looks very intimidating. And that Shaymin looks very much like a Sugimori drawing. Good job!
  14. Darkrai415

    (1) Silhouettes Unofficially Officially Confirmed as Forms? [8/16]

    Hahaha. You got him nervous by showing Rotom. He couldn't be more obvious that the silhouettes (at least some) are Rotom formes.