abcdefghijklmnop. Teeheehee i said p. Now i know my ade's next time count with me. I'm going to tell you a story. Now if you easily see hillusinations go away. If you have adhd you might get too excited and destroy everything. So people with tose two things go away. and if you get bored that's not my problem. Now where wuz i? Oh yeah! Once upon a time there lived a boy named Salmence master.
(a substitute for my real name and if you want to know it then go get drunk or something!!!!!) He loved to have fun! but one day somthing happened. The ice cream man came! I loved ice cream! but there was no ice cream in there! I got so mad I pooted in peoples faces and **********This program has been rated tv 1 year older then you are we will block it until it is decent. Right now we can read the worm channel. Did you know that theres a worm and it's defense is shooting poop up to 5 feet away! Isn't that something! Flining poop keeps predators away because the poop att***********we inter-up duh. This program to say that the show is appropriate now!Then the ice cream truck went away. Now my favorite food is delicous! If there's any retardeded duh peeple out there then don't duh, read this. After this paragraph the file may contain inapropriate language, Words that may beee toooo long for people who can't read. Especially those dumb people who skip school and drop out play hookey and that stuff. so if you do any of the above please don't read the rest because I might have to sue you or file a lawsuit or somthing. Anyways when I got pokemon diamond I was happy. which got me off the ice cream situation thing so anyways on with the story. I was walking and walking and walking then stopped and,
Then, doodoodoodoodoodoodoo. A pokemon appeared!It was a-a-a-a piplup! It was so cute. So I chose it as my starter! But in real life I was watching tv or som'in lik dat!But anyways my bio is almost over just in case you're getting dillusional or duranged or demented or somthing. As I was Saying that my name on this (Salamence master) anyways I lived happilleee ever after the end the end the end. oops fell a sleep there. Anyways bye and I hope that you did'nt die of being demented or something. BYE. Peace-Out! P.S.
Soon bananas will be illegal in court rooms so all you monkeys out there getting sued or something who cares! BYE. P.S.S I love chocolate! P.S.S.S I hope all you people who get easily bored and people who have adhd didn't read this!P.S.S.S.S My friend code is
3737-6190-0754. Bye!