Heeeeey Electimortar! Well, I opened up my g-mail thing for the first time in forever and saw a ton of subscription mail from Pokebeach, and thought: "I really need to go there and unsubscribe to stuff."
So I did, and what to my wondering eyes did appear but Electimortar, and a comment on my profile! ...from half a year ago!
Maybe you'll see this, maybe you won't... It says that the last time you logged on here was Christmas Eve of 2013. If you do end up seeing this, though, you should totally respond. Can't guarantee when I'll see the response, but it would be great to hear from you again nonetheless - I would certainly respond myself! We could have a super-long conversation that spans the ages!
So uh... yeah. It was a very pleasant surprise to hear from you. I hope things are all going well for you and yours, and that your coming spring season treats you well...
Until next time,