<DNA>: #??? Equinox: This guy, he does stuff, I guess. I think he's hip to competitive Pokemon VG and such, but I remember him more for his strange avatars and signatures. huehuehuehuehue
<Charizard>: Luckyfire is cool. He brings good look to those around him. And sometimes burns them.
<DNA>: #??? Lucky Fire: A girl who seems to be obsessed with the idea of luck and troll laughter, most likely in an attempt to impress me. I'd probably respect her a little bit more if she didn't own a Mac.
<PMJ>: #133 Eevee: Its DNA is highly unstable, so it has several possible evolution paths. Almost all of them are cute.
<Luckyfire>: DNA
<Luckyfire>: DNA is in Eevee
<Salamencetrainer34>: yeah
<Jaquii>: lol
<Luckyfire>: Which means he's a egg
<Luckyfire>: lol
<The-Kaiser>: *shows off my swag eevee
<DNA>: ...
DNA shudders
<DNA>: never say that or any part of that sentence ever again
Real name is Nick.
Perhaps probably positively cool peoples I know here:
CCloud (CCnub) - He's my noobiest friend of all, but
she was pretty cool, when he wasn't loosing to me ;]
Hatman - Shoddy day friend, too bad he got banned like a n00b >_>
Steadfast - IDK
TubbsW - A clan mate of mine back when clans were around. We hung out a lot on Shoddy, unfortunately, he's not so active anymore
King Arceus - Long time friend, we've been friends for about 3 years or so, is also a great programmer.
Martini/MrGatr - perhaps a cool frand, who knows? He's a giant noob when it comes to Halo.
Some Loser - for being some loser, he sure is a friend, and are a great guy, he also can't wait to brag to me about being lvl 130 on Halo. Too bad I already know
DNA - huehuehue
Haunted Water - Cool guy, has good taste in music.
All Caps is cruise control for cool. using the "Caps Lock" key makes you become an important and respected internets user, so please
don't use Caps Locks be sure to always have the Caps Lock Key on. Everything you say will be terribly interesting and insightful and you'll sound like Billy Mays, so again, please
don't use Caps Lock
42 chocolate on: What will happen to the PokeBeach Forums, and what Phase Moltres is
No. Phase Moltres exists.
Phase Moltres is an elaborate scheme concocted by the moderators (and safariblade) to drive everyone on the forums crazy trying to figure out what Phase Moltres is. Under their new states of delirium, each and every member will slowly accept a new reality created by the moderators in which they are loyal servants, and will never be the wiser. Safariblade, a member among them, will be crowned the official monarch of this new society, ruling even over WPM, and eventually, with his riddles and absurdity, will somehow manage to take over all of PokéBeach. Whatever small rebel alliances remain will be shattered as PokéBeach is slowly but surely destroyed from within by the one member who kept his sense and left the site forever--SONICMOJ. In rage, safari will proceed to take over every Pokémon fansite known to man. When his task has been completed, he will be challenged once more by SONICMOJ. An epic battle will ensue inside the Pokémon Global Link between the two, which safari will become the victor of--only to be arrested by Satoshi Tajiri himself. Ashamed, safari will restore power to the portions of the internet he practically destroyed. He shall be banned from PokéBeach forever and peace shall be restored.
Pokebeach chat:
(17:06:31) MrGatr: well gtg getting bred
(19:29:41) slickmario: but encore infernape is just ghey[/quote] Haters gonna hate...
(18:49:37) MarioFireRed: imo there's two Jirachis
(18:49:44) MarioFireRed: regular wishrachi, and Mel Gibson
[16:11] <typhlosion> WHAT DID YOU SAY
[16:11] <dmaster> oh snap
[16:12] <MagmaKing> :F
[16:12] <Tyrant_Tyranitar> Your mother
[16:12] <MagmaKing> Need a reverse F letter
[16:12] <MagmaKing> is a cool guy
(19:07) SPM3: gimme a sex
(16:34:30) +safariblade: Lets play a game
(16:34:41) +safariblade: The next person who posts gets kicked.
(16:34:44) +safariblade: trololol
(16:34:49) +safariblade: Actually thats mean.
(16:34:52) TyrantTyranitar: Kick yo self

(16:34:53) +safariblade: Ohsnap it was me
(16:34:59) Bot: safariblade has kicked safariblade!
(17:08:22) +safariblade: I hate it when I pick my nose and it looks like I'm picking my nose.
Epic Shoddy and Pokemon Online damages/encounters go here:
Battle between Tyrant Tyranitar and Infinity -G- started!
Tier: No Dream World
Mode: Singles
Rule: Unrated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Freeze Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle
Rule: Self-KO Clause
Your team: Politoed / Ferrothorn / Dragonite / Conkeldurr / Gengar / Gastrodon
Opponent's team: Tyranitar / Scizor / Landorus / Gliscor / Terrakion / Reuniclus
Tyrant Tyranitar sent out Politoed!
Infinity -G- sent out Reuniclus!
Politoed's Drizzle made it rain!
Start of turn 1
Politoed used Hypnosis!
Infinity -G-'s Reuniclus fell asleep!
Infinity -G-'s Reuniclus is fast asleep!
Rain continues to fall!
Start of turn 2
Politoed used Scald!
Infinity -G-'s Reuniclus lost 37% of its health!
Infinity -G-'s Reuniclus woke up!
Infinity -G-'s Reuniclus used Trick Room!
Infinity -G-'s Reuniclus twisted the dimensions!
Rain continues to fall!
Infinity -G-: yay
Start of turn 3
Infinity -G-'s Reuniclus used Psychic!
Politoed lost 241 HP! (62% of its health)
Tyrant Tyranitar: :I
Politoed used Hypnosis!
Infinity -G-'s Reuniclus fell asleep!
Rain continues to fall!
Politoed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 4
Infinity -G-'s Reuniclus is fast asleep!
Politoed used Scald!
Infinity -G-'s Reuniclus lost 33% of its health!
Rain continues to fall!
Politoed restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 5
Infinity -G-'s Reuniclus woke up!
Infinity -G-'s Reuniclus used Psychic!
Politoed lost 191 HP! (49% of its health)
Politoed fainted!
Rain continues to fall!
Infinity -G-: yay
Infinity -G-: lol
Tyrant Tyranitar sent out Gengar!
Start of turn 6
Tyrant Tyranitar called Gengar back!
Tyrant Tyranitar sent out Gastrodon!
Infinity -G-'s Reuniclus used Psychic!
Gastrodon lost 265 HP! (62% of its health)
Rain continues to fall!
The twisted dimensions returned to normal!
Start of turn 7
Gastrodon used Scald!
Infinity -G-'s Reuniclus lost 28% of its health!
Infinity -G-'s Reuniclus fainted!
Rain continues to fall!
Infinity -G-: noo
Tyrant Tyranitar: Suck it :>
Infinity -G- sent out Tyranitar!
Infinity -G-'s Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Start of turn 8
Infinity -G-'s Tyranitar used Crunch!
Gastrodon lost 158 HP! (37% of its health)
Gastrodon fainted!
The sandstorm rages!
Tyrant Tyranitar sent out Ferrothorn!
Start of turn 9
Infinity -G- called Tyranitar back!
Infinity -G- sent out Gliscor!
Ferrothorn used Curse!
Ferrothorn's Attack rose!
Ferrothorn's Defense rose!
Ferrothorn's Speed fell!
The sandstorm rages!
Infinity -G-'s Gliscor's Toxic Orb activated!
Infinity -G-'s Gliscor was badly poisoned!
Start of turn 10
Infinity -G-'s Gliscor used Taunt!
Ferrothorn fell for the taunt!
Ferrothorn used Power Whip!
Infinity -G-'s Gliscor lost 54% of its health!
The sandstorm rages!
Infinity -G-'s Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!
Start of turn 11
Infinity -G-'s Gliscor used Earthquake!
Ferrothorn lost 55 HP! (15% of its health)
Ferrothorn used Gyro Ball!
A critical hit!
Infinity -G-'s Gliscor lost 58% of its health!
Infinity -G-'s Gliscor fainted!
The sandstorm rages!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Tyrant Tyranitar:

Infinity -G- sent out Terrakion!
Start of turn 12
Infinity -G-'s Terrakion used Stone Edge!
It's not very effective...
Ferrothorn lost 49 HP! (13% of its health)
Ferrothorn used Gyro Ball!
It's super effective!
Tyrant Tyranitar: Wat
Infinity -G-'s Terrakion lost 100% of its health!
Infinity -G-'s Terrakion fainted!
The sandstorm rages!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Ferrothorn's taunt ended!
Tyrant Tyranitar: No CC?
Infinity -G-: misclick
Infinity -G- sent out Scizor!
Tyrant Tyranitar:
Start of turn 13
Infinity -G-'s Scizor used Swords Dance!
Infinity -G-'s Scizor's Attack sharply rose!
Ferrothorn used Bulldoze!
Infinity -G-'s Scizor lost 34% of its health!
Infinity -G-'s Scizor's Speed fell!
The sandstorm rages!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 14
Infinity -G-'s Scizor used Brick Break!
It's super effective!
Ferrothorn lost 250 HP! (71% of its health)
Ferrothorn's Iron Barbs hurts Infinity -G-'s Scizor
Infinity -G-'s Scizor is hurt by its Life Orb!
Ferrothorn used Curse!
Ferrothorn's Attack rose!
Ferrothorn's Defense rose!
Ferrothorn's Speed fell!
The sandstorm rages!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Infinity -G-: quit being a meanie
Start of turn 15
Infinity -G-'s Scizor used Bullet Punch!
It's not very effective...
Ferrothorn lost 57 HP! (16% of its health)
Ferrothorn's Iron Barbs hurts Infinity -G-'s Scizor
Tyrant Tyranitar:

Infinity -G-'s Scizor is hurt by its Life Orb!
Ferrothorn used Bulldoze!
Infinity -G-'s Scizor lost 20% of its health!
Infinity -G-'s Scizor fainted!
The sandstorm rages!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Infinity -G- sent out Landorus!
Start of turn 16
Infinity -G-'s Landorus used U-turn!
Ferrothorn lost 33 HP! (9% of its health)
Ferrothorn's Iron Barbs hurts Infinity -G-'s Landorus
Infinity -G-: why
Infinity -G- called Landorus back!
Infinity -G- sent out Tyranitar!
Ferrothorn used Gyro Ball!
It's super effective!
Tyrant Tyranitar: xD
Infinity -G-'s Tyranitar lost 100% of its health!
Infinity -G-'s Tyranitar fainted!
The sandstorm rages!
Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Infinity -G- sent out Landorus!
Tyrant Tyranitar: Ferro sweep
Infinity -G-: die already
Start of turn 17
Infinity -G-'s Landorus used Stone Edge!
It's not very effective...
Ferrothorn lost 32 HP! (9% of its health)
Ferrothorn used Gyro Ball!
Tyrant Tyranitar: LOL
Infinity -G-'s Landorus lost 87% of its health!
Infinity -G-'s Landorus fainted!
Tyrant Tyranitar won the battle!
Salamence used Fire Blast.
It's super effective!
Shedinja lost 154100% of its health.
Heracross used Close Combat.
It's not very effective...
Espeon lost 231% of its health.
Infernape used Mach Punch.
It's super effective!
Swords lost 0% of its health.
TubbsW's Swords fainted.