It’s a fun deck for sure! Drilbur helps get energy to the discard when you need it. Sandy Shocks is nice to get an extra energy in play for Raging Bolt. The devolution is nice for those stage 2 decks(Charizard) that use rare candys but also interchangeable with mist energy to counter Roaring Moon.
I’ve been running the Raging Chomp combo about 2 weeks now and i love the synergy between the 2. This is my deck list at the moment:
3 Gible PAR
3 Garchomp PAR
2 Raging Bolt TEF
2 Bidoof BStars
2 Bibarel BStars
1 Radiant Greninja Astral Radiance
1 Drillbur TEF
1 Sandy Shocks PAR
4 Irida