Recent content by Giufla91

  1. Giufla91

    Standard Ho-Oh/Salazzle

    Hi, I can't see any changes I'd do to your list, I find it pretty standard evene if (personal taste) I'd drop one kiawe (but for what I really don't know). So seeing no problems in your list, I just wanna share a thought I had last week playing alolan ninetales list. I am into competitive from...
  2. Giufla91

    Discussion What to do with bloat cards from booster box.

    From personal experience I tend to preserve at least a playset (4 copies) or two per each card of a set I intend to complete, collector point of view, and also you don't know which card would be useful in the future. Also is true that storage is a problem, even more when you buy different boxes...
  3. Giufla91

    Help Need Help to Prepare the Next Season (South of Italy)

    Hi guys! I'm gonna explain my situation first. I am into the tcg again after many years for some months now, I've got back some skill and get used to read decklists and meta, even if I am still out of practice and not in the best shape to get competitive since I have only some friends here...
  4. Giufla91

    Alt. Format Zoroark Break Post Rotation

    I have the feeling that turtonator gx is playing the role of the tauros gx in the first days of sun and moon. I mean there was a period when every deck started playing a 1x tauros gx as a wall to set up your own game, now that has become really easy make 180 damage, tauros is just two prices...
  5. Giufla91

    Discussion North American Internationals Winning Deck : Drampa -GX / Garbodor

    that's my exact opinion, I've just noticed, sadly, that many pointed at him as a user of a brainless deck! I am glad to see that here on PB the things are different.
  6. Giufla91

    Discussion North American Internationals Winning Deck : Drampa -GX / Garbodor

    Also taking a close look at the other top8 decks I am very happy to see a volcanion, but also a couple of decidueye that make me think that players have preferred to play decks they have experienced a lot than a last minute idea or more recent ideas like zoroark or metagross gx., that are...
  7. Giufla91

    Discussion North American Internationals Winning Deck : Drampa -GX / Garbodor

    I've just seen the list on many channels of youtube, and all are saying "the best deck here" "the best deck there" and so on. Many have talked about a brainless deck, but I have a total different thought about it. Obviously I know how powerful garb can be, in all of his variants, and I am well...
  8. Giufla91

    Standard M Tyranitar

    Hi, I am really interested in this deck 'cause i was also thinking about it. Anyway I dn't have any advice for you 'cause I like your list, but I have some suggestions that I will adopt in order to satisfy my playstyle and also some necessities such as -1 shaymin ex (don't have) -3 team magma...
  9. Giufla91

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    I'm really getting to love this upcoming cards, with this one, hala and guzma seems that the game is becoming more based with player's decisions than the simple luck or the op cards, like lysandre. basically we have two version of N now and this means more choices for our decks and our strategies.
  10. Giufla91

    News 'Pokémon Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon' Coming in November for the 3DS!

    at least necrozma won't suffer the same destiny of zygarde!!!
  11. Giufla91

    Discussion Post Rotation Staples

    I'd understand if the attack cost was colorless, but that fairy ...mhmhm I don't know unless you run some rainbow energy, or a fairy deck, or a colorless one or maybe if the energy count and typing isn't so signifcant!
  12. Giufla91

    Alt. Format Golisopod-GX Concept Deck

    Anyway I wanna absolutely test it when it'll come out, maybe there will be some other card to support the combo guzma-golisopod!
  13. Giufla91

    Alt. Format Golisopod-GX Concept Deck

    I like so much your idea, keeping it budget How do you see an oranguru in here? I am a bit worried about draw power... I mean ultra and nest ball will work very well but I see to much items in the discard pile (if you know what I mean) I'd cut a choice band or the two max elisir for at leat one...
  14. Giufla91

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    First I red "wing attack" and I thought "ooooh not again", then the unbelievable second attack damage with the always present "discard energy bla bla"....then the gx attack oh my my I want absolutely test it with kiawe and see what it can do ifthe meta will go slower in the next months
  15. Giufla91

    Help Must do and must do not about playing decidueye/vileplume

    Hi guys, I successfully get to pokemon tcg reborn in my city, i already planned to make the test as organizer for the shop where we play. In few weeks from now we are gonna do our first torunament. We planned it to be in standard and with all the official rules (since I am already a professor...