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  • GradientRaptor, That looks incredible!

    I misunderstood your last comment and thought you meant help with designing the card effects. xD

    My issue with that layout is space. On some cards, I'll need to fit 3-4 fairly complicated and long attacks/powers. It seems like I'd have trouble fitting all that, since it even looks a little cramped with 2 simple effects.

    I think I'll stick with the layout I have for now, just because that's the easiest and most efficient way for me to put out cards. However, I'll definitely remember you if I ever want to switch things up. Thanks!
    GradientRaptor, Sure, I'm open to ideas. If you have any that you want to PM to me, that would be a good place to start.
    Out of curiosity, when(or if) you make that website in which you sell custom card sleeves, would you sell more than sleeves that fit Pokemon cards? If you do set up the site, would you have sleeves for different-sized trading cards, like Yu-Gi-Oh? Either way, I don't know any sites that sell custom-made card sleeves, so this would be a cool change of pace if you get it running. =D
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