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  • That's pretty cool. :D Planning to travel to France or other areas where they speak French? Or is it just something you'd like to know? I had to choose between German, French, and Spanish for university, but I went for Spanish, since I also wanted to do my study abroad in Spain (which is why I lived there for almost half a year). :p
    Yea I believe the Mexican and South American way use the third form more instead of "tu" and "vosotros". In Spain that's only common when you're being really polite. I'm sure there are more differences too. :p

    Where did you pick up French? School? Why did you decide to learn it?
    Estoy aprendiendo español. xD He vivido en España por casi 5 meses por intercambio. Puedo hablar inglés y holandés fluido. A mí francés parece difícil. x.x
    Your name means "big" in Dutch. xD Do you happen to be Dutch? :p Or is your name based on something else?
    I like to do competitive X&Y Battle Spot Doubles and am slowly getting into OU. I'm on Pokémon Showdown a lot! Do you ever go on there?
    I play both competitively, and I collect. If you ever have any questions, just ask me! I'd be glad to help!

    What sets have you collected?
    Welcome to the Forums, Groot! As the rest, let me know if there's something we can help you about. :D
    Welcome Groot! Hope you enjoy your time around here.

    Let us know if you need anything and we'll be more than happy to help out.
    If you need anything around here give a shout!
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