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  • so no battle i take it thats fine i did try to give you a legendary probablly should not have offered the lugia since i don't remember if it is legal. But you can take one just ask. i don't usualy like to trade them to people but you deserve it.
    I have. Tried it a few times and they go like hot cakes.
    The problem is I sometimes have difficulties just keeping up with Vivi requests here and on Serebii.
    Ah, absolutely no offense taken.
    I have been cautious in the past too for the same reasons! :)
    My friend code is 1907-9797-0140
    My in game name is Sage.
    I won't be able to add you for a couple of days.
    I can't connect to the internet with my DS right now.
    Ok I lied about my region when I started my game.
    I have like 10 copies of the games (2 are Japanese and a Japanese DS) set for different regions.
    So yes I know the Archipelago, High Plains, Icy Snow, Jungle, Monsoon, Ocean, Sandstorm, Savanna, and Tundras are legal (unless you consider me lying about my region illegal.)
    I try to trade for native patterns so that no one has any reason to trade me illegal pokemon.
    I don't check the patterns I'm traded, Contintental, Elegant, Garden, Marine, Meadow, Modern, Polar or River.
    Hey welcome fellow Vivillon collector!
    I have some good news and not so good news.
    The good news is I'll be happy to trade you an Icy Snow and Sandstorm for 2 of your Moderns.
    The bad news is I can't trade until the 17th.
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