
Very first poke'mon name I heard was "charmander" in 1st grade and I was hooked every since. I am very picky about my poke'mon. Such as my very deep and sitinct hatred for Scrafty (SO STUPID AAAAARRRRRRGH) I love forming teams that can go single and doulbe battles. OMG I LOOOOOOOOOVE Double Battles <3<3<3<3
Nov 25, 1992 (Age: 31)
When it comes to poke'mon I never nit pick Evs and Natures and what not. I focus more on type match ups, move pools, and looks. That it the order in which I choose my poke'mon, I first need a certain type (regardless of any second type with it), then I see what kind of attacker it is (high attack or special attack) then i see how big of a movepool it has to see if it has the moves to back up the stats. Then I see if i think the design is too my liking (....Scrafty....*twitch twitch* AAAAAAAAUGH) I always always always need threes starter poke'mon of each type and then I must have a dragon type, psychic, and a toss between dark/figthing but one of those must be able to learn fly while im traveling through the region. I know I am veeeery picking and have restarted my game just because i didnt like how my team was going. Favorite Generation: 3rd HOENN ALL THE WAY
Pokemon Involvement
  1. TCG Player