Recent content by lovebunny713

  1. lovebunny713

    (1) Slightly Clearer Scan of Monkey Screenshot with Hiyappu [9/4]

    I really hope they're not the trio. I'm not too fond of monkeys. I'm thinking it's another difference in season. Oh! and, I don't know about anyone else, but I don't think trainers usually own one (or more) of a trio.
  2. lovebunny713

    (1) 'Best Wishes' Previews Show Exciting Changes to the Animé [8/26]

    THEY. WENT. BACK. TO. THE. OLD. HAT. DESIGN.. I think I just peed. and I like his eyes. and I think pickachu just slaughtered whatever he used iron tail on XD
  3. lovebunny713

    (1) Clear CoroCoro Scans FINALLY Leaking [8/9]

    that helps alot, I was a little confused. I think it did say "3 seasons per year" though.
  4. lovebunny713

    (1) Clear CoroCoro Scans FINALLY Leaking [8/9]

    this.. greatly dissappoints me. where is the fun in that? there used to be only one earthquake in each game (other than the first gen games, where you going buy them with coins from the slots) but now you can use them as many times as you want? I'm starting to think they're going soft TT.TT I...
  5. lovebunny713

    Pokemon Read This! Pokemon Hack

    you have to listen to the laventer town theme with it, when I got to the point where it was I listened to it and it ended right when I finished reading, I guess I'm a fast reader, but it was creepy XD and yeah, it has to be fake. if I found it I would play it though XD
  6. lovebunny713

    (1) New Pokemon Revealed in B/W Demo Buses [8/6]

    daww, I like the new little pickachu-type thing. pachirisu never quite caught my eye, but this one is adorable X3
  7. lovebunny713

    Wi-Fi Trades Goldenrod GTS: What Nature Fall HG/SS Mew do you want? [CLOSED]

    RE: Goldenrod GTS: CLONING SERVICE Open, Lots of Shinies and Events!!!!! Come See Them! wow, what would you like for the three movie 13 dogs? *.*
  8. lovebunny713

    Wi-Fi Trades Lovebunny's IV Breeding Service *I'm back!*

    ok, I'll get as close to that as I can XD please refer to the post above yours for trade times XP
  9. lovebunny713

    Wi-Fi Trades Lovebunny's IV Breeding Service *I'm back!*

    haha ok X3 I'll pm you when I know I can trade ^.^ (new wi-fi is acting up XP)
  10. lovebunny713

    Wi-Fi Trades Lovebunny's IV Breeding Service *I'm back!*

    sure ^.^ they're kind of taking up space. so you could just trade me starly or something :) oh, and I can't trade at the moment, but probably in the next few days :)
  11. lovebunny713

    Wi-Fi Trades Lovebunny's IV Breeding Service *I'm back!*

    *bump* going to start breeding some things, hopfully that will get things running ^.^
  12. lovebunny713

    Pokemon Do you genuinely care about the storylines?

    of course I care about the stories. I don't think a pokemon game could make it without a story line. granted, they are very hard to come up with (I'm making a pokemon firered hack, we're completely trashing the original story and making our own.). if there was a pokemon game where captured...
  13. lovebunny713

    Pokemon Pokemon curiositys :::SPOILERS:::

    it seems like I heard about some type of incident to do with that. I thought it was all fake when I read the article though.
  14. lovebunny713

    BW/BW2 First Impression

    personally, I kind of like some of them. like the zebra, probably because I love zebra stripes.. I don't know. they havn't impressed me too much, I'm just waiting to see the final evolutions of the starters, then I'll decide. my boyfriend and I think they're starting to look more like digimon. I...