Recent content by NidoJosh

  1. NidoJosh

    MrGatr, Hahahha nah I fanboy all of of the Girls Generation members but mostly Tiffany...

    MrGatr, Hahahha nah I fanboy all of of the Girls Generation members but mostly Tiffany, Jessica and Yuri ;)
  2. NidoJosh

    MrGatr, That is my dearest Yuri from SNSD (Girl's Generation) :3

    MrGatr, That is my dearest Yuri from SNSD (Girl's Generation) :3
  3. NidoJosh

    (1) 'Shiny Collection' Scans and Translations!

    The cards look absolutely amazing!
  4. NidoJosh

    NFL Discussion Topic - Favorite Teams and How They are Doing

    I heard that a guy from my city in Australia (Brisbane) called Jessie Williams is apparently a decent Gridiron player. I'm not sure if he's in the NFL or not because I don't care for the sport... but it would be nice to see if he actually is a good player or not ;) So what do people think of him?
  5. NidoJosh

    DNA, Hahaha yep 17 (: Sorry for the late reply Thanks

    DNA, Hahaha yep 17 (: Sorry for the late reply Thanks
  6. NidoJosh

    Favorite Video Game

    Favourite Games of All Time (Based on my enjoyment at the time of playing so may not be fun for me these days but great earlier on) - Skyrim - Assassin's Creed II - Pokemon FireRed - Super Smash Brothers Brawl - Crash Bandicoot - Pokemon Emerald - Spyro - Runescape
  7. NidoJosh

    XY What will the new 'Pikachu' be?

    Electric bilby ;)
  8. NidoJosh

    XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

    RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation? Pinsir definitely needs an evolution in my opinion It hasn't had much luck going for it.. ever.. being outclassed by other bugs
  9. NidoJosh

    XY What Do You Think of the Starters?

    I really hope the evolutions end up something like this This way they all look bad ass :3
  10. NidoJosh

    (1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

    I have a 3DS so it won't be a problem for me.. But I can't see Nintendo limiting their customer base by making it 3DS only.. only highly recommended That..or they do it for 3DS only to make people buy the 3Ds... I have no idea
  11. NidoJosh

    XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

    RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation? A....light bulb pokemon o.O That is quite strange hahaha Why exactly?
  12. NidoJosh

    CELEBRITY CRUSHES: Favorite stars that make you swoon

    RE: CELEBRITY CRUSHES: hey don't change my thread names but faeses Miranda Kerr (Australian Model - Married to Orlando Bloom) Ariana Grande ( Actress )
  13. NidoJosh

    Do you believe extraterrestrial life exists?

    I believe that there is certainly extraterrestrial life out there. As other people have mentioned the universe is simply too large, and then there is the theory of the multiverse which consists of many universes.. There is simply too much space out there for it just to be us I do not believe...
  14. NidoJosh

    Skrillex Thread

    I used to like Skrillex but now not so much He sort of opened the world of dubstep to me with songs such as Cinema, Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites and other songs But I lost interest in him after he became mainstream (not a hipster -.-). I just feel like his music has dropped in quality
  15. NidoJosh

    XY What Cool New Pokémon / Evolution Do You Want to See in the 6th Generation?

    RE: What cool new Pokemon do you want to see in the 6th generation? On the band wagon for Panda and Dolphin! Also I would love to see a legitimate Orang-outang pokemon!