Recent content by Ninjabot 215

  1. Ninjabot 215

    News 'Shining Legends Collector's Chest Tin' in November!

    You had me at Latios and Latias, they're like my favorite dragons.
  2. Ninjabot 215

    Games The "ARMS" Discussion Thread

    I'm planning to buy a Switch soon, and after watching some gameplay of it, this will be one of the games I will get for it. It looks really fun and quirky, and I love fighting games so it will be great to have a new game to kick my friend's butt in.
  3. Ninjabot 215

    News Japan's SM3+ Set: 'Shining Legends!'

    This card is great, it has good draw power, a great first attack, and an amazing GX attack!
  4. Ninjabot 215

    News Japan's SM3+ Set: 'Shining Legends!'

    Incineroar's first attack XD
  5. Ninjabot 215

    Help Are Japanese Cards Playable in the English Format?

    Are we allowed to play Japanese cards in an English format, because the pulls from best of XY look insane.
  6. Ninjabot 215

    News 'Pokémon Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon' Coming in November for the 3DS!

  7. Ninjabot 215

    News 'Pokken Tournament DX' for Nintendo Switch in September!

    agreed, between Breath of the Wild, ARMS, Splatoon 2, Skyrim and now this, I need it.
  8. Ninjabot 215

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Here we go agian... time for another walord in the form of guzzlord
  9. Ninjabot 215

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    Ribombee: because we needed more fairy support
  10. Ninjabot 215

    Games Standard Dankness Deck - Memes & Pokémon

    Add a 2010 meme simulator ace spec and I think this deck could show some promise
  11. Ninjabot 215

    Games Overwatch Discussion Thread

    Sooo... Anyone else play Overwatch at all besides me?.. My Mains (Heros I play most often (Currently)) OFFENSE: Soldier 76 DEFENSE: Junkrat/Mei TANK: Reinhart all the way!!! SUPPORT: Mercy/Symetra Anyhow just thought this was a good idea, saw no other Overwatch forums and said... WYNAUT
  12. Ninjabot 215

    Games Favorite Eeveelution?

    Sylveon, it is way too adorable an is basically a tiny cute <DRAGONSLAYER>!!!
  13. Ninjabot 215

    General How Did You Get Interested In Pokemon?

    I remember that one fateful day in 2014, I was traveling through a Gamestop in search of a new exiting game that wouldn't suck, and found a copy of Pokemon X. Yes I know it isn't the best game in the franchise, but it is what got me hooked. 'nuff said
  14. Ninjabot 215

    News 8-Minute 'Pokémon Direct' Tomorrow!

    MY PREDICTIONS: 1. STARS Makes sense considering how the past directs have been. Would also match some speculation and hype. 2. D/P Remakes Also makes sense according to what we know as far as remakes go, and again the Directs. 3. Gen 7 PMD Personally, since I just finished my first play...