RE: TCG ONE - full featured online pokemon tcg simulator [CAPS]
Would love to try this out once some more sets are added. I missed the whole dp era and would love to try out some of those decks.
Does Deoxys EX ability apply to Hail's damage to the bench??
Meaning if i use hail and i have 2 deoxys on the bench do all their pokemon get hit with 30 damage? Or just the active? Im assuming it's just the active since it says it RIGHT ON THE CARD(Active pokemon) But my friend insists it works...
Imo it comes down to dark claw/ or virbank. If your area runs a lot of virbak already then you can just use theirs and have your dark claw work for u. If your area don't then virbank is needed more then dark claw. Of course having both would be great. But I don't think this deck has the room for...
Plasma and Corless machine is to help Deoxys in case he's active. You can't even use corless machine on sneasel as it's not team plasma. Also blend is needed again for Deoxys.
Theres no way to OHKO Kinklang without Victini. They will most likely get plasma Kinklang out by turn 2. So now your only effective attackers are Boufflant Sig and Terrakion.
Assuming u even have a ho-oh in discard with proper energy by t2/3 you still need a combination of energy...
What is this deck supposed to do against Plasma Kinklang? I don't think i've felt so hopeless against a deck. Not even Blastoise/Pony cause i could at least kill the squirtles and have a surprise Shaymin for Keldeo.
Boufflant and Sig just doesn't kill fast enough if they get a t2 kinklang out...
I think 2 tool scrappers is needed. You never know when you might run into garb and without it your done. I also think Dowsing Machine just works better with ho-oh then scramble switch.
-1 Eviloite
-1 Scramble Switch
+1 Tool Scrapper
+1 Dowsing Machine
To above poster you can't have 2 ace...
Hey. This is my first deck back in the competitive game. I played alot around the neo sets but stopped. A friend of mine got me back in it and with plasma gale releasing soon i thought it would be a good time to get my deck tweaked.
I really like playing ho-oh. This is my deck as of now. Any...