Recent content by pikachuuuu101

  1. pikachuuuu101

    this was optimistic

    this was optimistic
  2. pikachuuuu101

    Sure? That could be fun. I should try and get in contact with all the people I knew back then

    Sure? That could be fun. I should try and get in contact with all the people I knew back then
  3. pikachuuuu101

    I'm still alive! Shoot me a DM if you see this and remember me.

    I'm still alive! Shoot me a DM if you see this and remember me.
  4. pikachuuuu101

    Pandemic + some pretty meh sets.

    Pandemic + some pretty meh sets.
  5. pikachuuuu101

    Well, if you ever come back, just know that I wish u the best!

    Well, if you ever come back, just know that I wish u the best!
  6. pikachuuuu101

    Better than 4 odd years, lmao

    Better than 4 odd years, lmao
  7. pikachuuuu101

    There does seem to be something here, actually. Someone looking back though their feed

    There does seem to be something here, actually. Someone looking back though their feed
  8. pikachuuuu101

    Wondering if anyone I know is still on here...

    Wondering if anyone I know is still on here...
  9. pikachuuuu101

    Fairy, maybe?

    Fairy, maybe?
  10. pikachuuuu101

    Does AFEX sill exist?

    Does AFEX sill exist?
  11. pikachuuuu101

    Anyone remember the old pokemon flash games?

    Anyone remember the old pokemon flash games?
  12. pikachuuuu101

    Dang, I really miss pokemon. Might start playing again once this whole covid is over

    Dang, I really miss pokemon. Might start playing again once this whole covid is over
  13. pikachuuuu101

    TBH I loved that format lol. Probably better in retrospect tho

    TBH I loved that format lol. Probably better in retrospect tho
  14. pikachuuuu101

    Surprised I recognize so many people still on here!

    Surprised I recognize so many people still on here!
  15. pikachuuuu101

    Standard Convenience for the Community (A List of Standard Budget Decks)

    I would, but A) IDK if budget decks are still a thing, and B) I haven't played Pokemon in about a year. However, I could help with formatting maybe? Also, what happened to AFEX?