Recent content by pokemonmike

  1. pokemonmike

    Help Neo Genesis Uncut Sheet Question

    Hello, Been awhile since I posted here since we quit the TCG.... I'm currently trying to sell off my promo/swag collection and have one that I. can not find a price on....That being a uncut sheet of Neo Genesis commons and trainers. It is a full sheet of 40 or so cards . Any ideas on the rarity...
  2. pokemonmike

    'Special Delivery Pikachu' Promo to Celebrate Launch of Canadian Pokemon Center!

    I placed a order for the Kanto First Partner Holiday Hooded One-Piece Pajamas , got the promo added plus a Pikachu Pokémon Holiday & Home Brass Ornament for free.
  3. pokemonmike

    The Shell Shock Shoppe! PTCGO Codes Sale; Primal Clash - NV + RH Playable Trainers!

    RE: The Shell Shock Shoppe! PTCGO Codes Sale; Phantom Forces - Emerging Powers! Hello Anthony, been awhile huh? XD Haven't seen you on the togo either but hope you can help me... I am seeking the bisharp/clefable trainer deck code. Any chance you have it or can get it for me? LMK,Mike
  4. pokemonmike

    Japanese Sleeves, Worlds Merch, DRX

    RE: Player Rewards! 43 Celebi Prime! 172 Codes! JPN Sleeves! Are any of your reward collectors still sealed? If so how much?
  5. pokemonmike

    Heya Aura, nice game of tcgo tonight! I'm pokemonbrandon on the online game., just thought I...

    Heya Aura, nice game of tcgo tonight! I'm pokemonbrandon on the online game., just thought I would drop in and say hi.
  6. pokemonmike

    WTB Worlds 2011 items

    Sorry for the late reply, how about $30 shipped?
  7. pokemonmike

    WTB Worlds 2011 items

    I'm looking to buy any, and all, world championships swag. please name a price shipped to Me in Canada. Ie. Binder and set, pikachu plushie, mat and anything else from worlds.[/align] Thanks, MIke
  8. pokemonmike


    RE: Wants to get Rid of COMPLETE LUGIA and COMPLETE HO-OH LEGEND! can you please list what exactly is in the jumpluff deck as it makes a significant difference in offering a fair price. are any of the cards holo or ah that are normally not? Are the energy's holo or regular? Are the trainers...
  9. pokemonmike


    +1 trader ref. Took a long time to receive from this member but it did arrive after about 3 1/2 after they received mine.
  10. pokemonmike


    RE: W: EMERALD HOLO GRASS ENERGY *JUST N PROFESSOR ENERGY* SHOP THE SUNNY SHORE CARD SHOP I have 2 unused packs of Vire sleeves if interested, I like these: energy gain holo SP radar holo 2x rare candy 3x double colorless energy 1x call energy LMk if we canwork anything out...
  11. pokemonmike

    /\/\AKE A \/\/ISH

    It is actually mine and yes you can use it, I just would have liked it if you asked first that is all, no harm done. I did however get a nice little pm from a tripping council member about my post above but that , I guess, comes with immaturity of those younger staff members.:D Take care, I...
  12. pokemonmike

    Please close.

    See ya all around. Will be soley trading on the gym where mods know who to warn and who to look after. But that comes with hiring people who are actually mature and know how to do there job.:P j/k Signing off for the last time, pokemonmike
  13. pokemonmike

    /\/\AKE A \/\/ISH

    you know you should really ask before jacking someone photo's on your thread. I don't mind but asking is usually the right thing to do.;) Mike
  14. pokemonmike

    Please close.

    RE: Mikey's Thread, Have Ton's! Need Lots As Well! Sure, pm me and we can finalize. How many refs do you have here.?
  15. pokemonmike

    Please close.

    RE: Mikey's Thread, Have Ton's! Need Lots As Well! what set is palkia from?