Recent content by postmodern_pinko

  1. postmodern_pinko

    Furret from “Battle Partners” Revealed!

    should've been Miror B's Ludicolo. would've been sweet to see what synergies they could have come up with Miror B's Ludicolo. or maybe Miror B's Ludicolo? could've had Miror B's Ludicolo Band, then Miror B's Ludicolo to round out the deck.
  2. postmodern_pinko

    “Roaring Moon ex Box” and “Iron Valiant ex Box” Revealed for November!

    been a looooong time since i've posted here or played the game but i'm loving the flavor of these cards. frenzied gouging? unparalleled violence in those words. tachyon bits? google tachyonic antitelephone, the best phrase in relativity. whoever wrote these names was firing on all cylinders.
  3. postmodern_pinko

    New Pokemon Yamper, Electric, and Impidimp, Dark/Fairy, Revealed!

    I can't believe you just killed Gene Simmons.
  4. postmodern_pinko

    'Alter Genesis,' 'High Class Pack 2019' Sets Announced for Japan!

    I won't rest until we get Kyogre & Feebas TTGX. But seriously where has the love been for my large moody whale and her best friend, Literally Behemoth From Revelations?
  5. postmodern_pinko

    'Trevenant-GX Box' in October!

    I too wish I could selectively delete the memory of Seismitoad (unless you meant ability based haha)
  6. postmodern_pinko

    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

  7. postmodern_pinko

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    Yeah I think Nidoqueen / Malamar will be the play, though you knows I'm gonna try a dual two stage with them both. Still, the whole Nidoqueen line is superior - you've got the Ability, Nidorina's recycle attack if you need it, and even Call for Family.
  8. postmodern_pinko

    'Explosive Impact,' Japan's SM8 Set; Raises Questions About Switch Release

    Actually Shuckle-GX is the only playable card in the entire game. Not even energies are playable anymore.
  9. postmodern_pinko

    'Charisma of the Wrecked Sky,' Japan's SM7 Set Announced!

    Hoenn kinda got shafted lol, thematically anyway. Kyogre and Groudon are genuinely terrible (+ not GXs) and Archie, Maxie, and Wallace don't even get cards. But Wallace's daughter does? I'm sure my large, wet child Kyogre will get a GX one day but [Voldemort I confess myself dissapointed gif]...
  10. postmodern_pinko

    'Forces of Nature Premium Collection' in July!

    Wait so Kyogre's art is on the box as a regular card - does this imply we're not getting Kyogre and Groudon-GX? I was so hyped for that, my fave gen :/! I do see a hint of flame in the BG, so maybe it'll be a Prism Star but eh??
  11. postmodern_pinko

    Glaceon-GX from SM5!

    As an added throwback, Glaceon-GX's very similar to Glaceon Lv. X - a mechanic from the Sinnoh era - with limited ability lock and solid spread damage. The similarity might be coincidental though, because Leafeon-GX isn't remotely similar to Leafeon Lv. X and Pokemon likes to deal in parallels...
  12. postmodern_pinko

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Seems like WPM was right on with his prediction! That one per restriction applied to the original run of Pokemon Star (except it was one, period). The rule also balances them nicely - a one prize big Basic with strong attacks could tip things quickly otherwise. Sidebar, I'm still baffled that...
  13. postmodern_pinko

    News Japan's SM4+ Set: 'GX Battle Boost!'

    I think it's probably Palette, yeah? A Pallet is this. To reflect the of Friends Eevee has.
  14. postmodern_pinko

    News Japan's SM4+ Set: 'GX Battle Boost!'

    Wow...this is so just sort of - generic? All its attacks are basically lifted from other cards. Fast Raid literally so, from Latios-EX, Beauty-GX in spirit from Salazzle-GX/other revenge attackers (and Salazzle's isn't even a GX attack wow jeez). One of the things I love about the UBs is their...
  15. postmodern_pinko

    News August's English TCG Set: 'Burning Shadows'

    @Sinister_Dusclops & @jessalakasam I think this was where Pokebeach initially reported it, seems like it was probably erroneous and that the promo and the Burning Shadows card are one in the same. I can't imagine them printing two Charizard-GX, both having Crimson Storm, but one being a GX attack.