Recent content by Professor Brandon

  1. Professor Brandon

    New Umbreon ex and Espeon ex Promos Releasing in Korea, Likely Coming to English in September!

    I guess I'm not an actual fan, because I do care about these full arts. The full art terastallized pokemon have a very similar aesthetic to the previous generations' full art shiny pokemon, such as those introduced in GX Ultra Shiny/Hidden Fates and continued in Shiny Star V/Shining Fates. I...
  2. Professor Brandon

    Millions of Dollars of Prototype Pokemon Cards May Be Forgeries, Retired Creatures Employee Involved

    We really need more transparency in these "authentications", and the authenticating companies really need to ensure they have the expertise necessary to actually authenticate something. I would love to one day have enough money to buy something of this caliber and historical/sentimental...
  3. Professor Brandon

    All “Space-Time Smackdown” Cards Officially Revealed from “Pocket!”

    Shinji Kondo just keeps getting better and better. That Spiritomb is phenomenal!
  4. Professor Brandon

    “Battle Partners” Secret Rares Revealed!

    I usually don't care for the gold cards, but having the trainer might just change that. How come they didn't do all four trainers in gold though??
  5. Professor Brandon

    Mayhem and Brawls Continue to Break Out at Costco Stores Over “151” Products

    While I very much dislike this behavior, Pokemon TCG is very clearly not only intended for kids.
  6. Professor Brandon

    Volcanion ex, Iris, Wailord Illustration Rare, and More from “Battle Partners!”

    With that Wailord, I interpret this as the first confirmation that normal ARs (and presumably SARs) will continue into this year. Previously I thought they might be replaced by S/ARs of owner's pokemon only, but now that we see owner's pokemon are only a limited subsection of the new sets I...
  7. Professor Brandon

    Metagross from Battle Partners!

    Not sure who translated this, but is it standard to infer the "and" when the Japanese is written that way? Specifically there's no conjunction or other particle/word between Beldum and Metang, so is there a chance it means "Beldum or Metang"?
  8. Professor Brandon

    Hop’s Zacian ex, Mamoswine ex, and More from “Battle Partners” Revealed!

    I'm fine with Hop getting a card, I don't like him any less than say N or Iono. Also I do kinda like Zacian and Zamazenta, and that Zacian card looks fantastic. If we truly are about to get a whole year of trainer's pokemon, then I think you guys are gonna need to accept that not every trainer...
  9. Professor Brandon

    “Battle Partners” Set Officially Revealed Featuring Owner’s Pokemon!

    Disagree, I actually like the star pattern. Kinda reminds me of Shiny Collection and some of the better reverse holos. Could be an issue of differing print quality though cause in only collect Japanese these days.
  10. Professor Brandon

    “Battle Partners” Set Officially Revealed Featuring Owner’s Pokemon!

    Disagree, I actually like the star pattern. Kinda reminds me of Shiny Collection and some of the better reverse holos. Could be an issue of differing print quality though cause I only collect Japanese these days.
  11. Professor Brandon

    Most Valuable Cards from “Terastal Festival ex,” Surprisingly #1 is Not a Secret Rare!

    I sit here sipping my coffee reading all the Ogerpon hate, planning my trip to the card shop to pick up all the Ogerpon cards for super cheap. It's easy to sit here and criticize them, and I agree their artwork is weaker than many, but I'm certain I'll regret nothing once they're gleaming...