1/3/14: oh dear I never update this
So hi! I dunno what's important to say here since my interests are covered above. I'm a Christian, that's one notable thing.
Well, I play piano and arrange/compose a bit when I have time. That's a bit harder now that school's started but I do try to make time for my own stuff. You can see it on my youtube channel (in my sig) and/or website (which I try to update whenever anything new pops up; also in my sig).
I also draw sometimes. Not much; just whenever I have a good idea. My deviantart is in my sig (it's rev3rsor btw).
There's not much more notable here tbh.
I don't go on chat (anywhere) much so there aren't really many quotes. But there's a few.
(I have a PE assignment which involves researching a drug the teacher has assigned to us.)
[12:58:13 PM] friend: so whatcha going?
[12:58:17 PM] friend: *doing
[12:58:19 PM] me: pe
[12:58:22 PM] me: assignment
[12:58:37 PM] friend: that
[12:58:42 PM] friend: about that
[12:58:43 PM] me: it's not very hard
[12:58:46 PM] friend: ik
[12:58:51 PM] friend: what drug r u taking?
[12:58:53 PM] me: i have all the information for part a on one website
[12:58:56 PM] me: none atm
[12:59:04 PM] me: maybe panadol if my sore throat gets too bad
[12:59:15 PM] friend: then how r u going to do the asignment
[12:59:22 PM] friend: if you dont have a drug to research
[12:59:33 PM] me: i don't have to take the drug to research it
[12:59:48 PM] friend: what drug r u doing???
[12:59:51 PM] friend: geez
[12:59:53 PM] me: none
[12:59:56 PM] me: i don't do drugs
[1:00:05 PM] friend: (facepalm)
[1:00:08 PM] friend: stop trollng
[1:00:08 PM] me: hehehehehe
[1:00:10 PM] me: ghb
[1:00:17 PM] me: i didn't even know what that was
[1:00:18 PM] friend: thats what i do
[1:00:24 PM] me: really?
[1:00:25 PM] me: naughty
[1:00:29 PM] me: you shouldn't do drugs
[1:00:35 PM] friend: i always troll
[1:00:35 PM] me: and not ghb, it's bad for you
[1:00:37 PM] friend: you dont
[1:00:39 PM] friend: dont start
[1:00:45 PM] me: i won't, ghb is bad for me
yeah. Maybe talk to me if you want to say hi; I think I'm nice