Recent content by RSaurus19

  1. R

    Quagsire V and Next Set of Gym Promos Revealed!

    Been waiting for my favorite Quagsire to get an ultra rare ever since Gen 3!!! The Sword and Shield era really ended off with a bang for me, shocked that my two favorites; Quagsire and Dracozolt, actually came out with V cards that both look amazing!
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    'Matchless Fighter' Revealed as March's Japanese Set!

    It feels so surreal that Dracozolt is not only getting a V, but a VMAX as well! He is easily one of my favorite Pokemon and I've been hoping they do him justice by giving him at least a V since the Sword and Shield started releasing and that they did ! Honestly starting shaking when I first saw...
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    'Shiny Star V' Announced for November, Plus Blastoise and Venusaur VMAX!

    Really hoping for a Dracozolt shiny card when the set leaks ! :D
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    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Yessss Guzzlord-GX! Hope it has high health and kinda is Wailord EX 2.0 in a way :D
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    News 'Islands Waiting for You' and 'Moonlight of Alola': Japan's Next Sun and Moon TCG Set!

    Clefairy's translations had me questioning myself if I saw what I thought I saw :eek:;)
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    News 'M Camerupt-EX and M Sharpedo-EX Premium Collections' in April!

    Hoping M-Sharpedo EX is a good or a decent card. Sharpedo never got to really shine in the TCG, hopefully this is his chance. :D My older bro loves Sharpedo and he might even get into the TCG if this card is good! :eek:
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    News 'Islands Waiting for You' and 'Moonlight of Alola': Japan's Next Sun and Moon TCG Set!

    Can't wait to see a Guzzlord-GX and some other UB's sometime down the line :D