Recent content by Saraform

  1. S

    Mega Beedrill and Mega Pidgeot in 'CoroCoro' [10/9]

    Is that poster necessarily for the next movie? The text above mentions Mega Rayquaza appearing in the Mega Evolution special, so I'd sooner believe that it's an updated poster for the special. Movie posters are typically revealed in December, anyway.
  2. S

    (1) May 'CoroCoro' Leaks in Full - New BW2 Details! [4/11]

    The magazine doesn't say anything about that. Besides, there seems to be an underwater tunnel for that purpose.
  3. S

    BW/BW2 The Future Games Speculation Thread

    And which facts would those be? The Game Freak NPCs mentioning developing remakes in HGSS, just like they talked about making Gold and Silver in those games? I'm impressed.
  4. S

    (1) Victini Download for Movie 14's Theaters; Future Predictions [1/15]

    Say what you will about the events, but they've never prioritized any specific class of players. An entire year later? By then the third version will have been announced and it won't even matter. Why should Kyurem be featured in the third movie instead of the second one, around which time the...
  5. S

    BW/BW2 The Future Games Speculation Thread

    It's funny that some fans are grasping at straws to find hints at Ruby and Sapphire remakes. Armaldo statue in Shippou Museum? Then what do we make of the Dragonite fossil, or is that too inconvenient? Four years ago, we had the data for "Johto", "Gold" and "Silver" in Diamond and Pearl's data...
  6. S

    (1) Victini Download for Movie 14's Theaters; Future Predictions [1/15]

    If Zekrom were the second event, it would be unfair to the White players who still wouldn't have access to Reshiram. Also, Freeze Bolt has Kyurem written all over it; Reshiram and Zekrom already have two signature moves each.
  7. S

    (1) Victini Download for Movie 14's Theaters; Future Predictions [1/15]

    The only way to obtain or even see Manaphy's egg in the Japanese version of Ranger was to pre-order a movie ticket; it was only outside Japan that the egg was normally available. The way Victini has been handled is entirely different from that.
  8. S

    (1) Victini Download for Movie 14's Theaters; Future Predictions [1/15]

    If Keldeo isn't the gift for pre-ordering movie tickets, which it should be, then I don't think it will be featured in any movie. It's pretty stupid to insist on applying precedents if a pattern has just been broken; the other event legendaries may be distributed independently of future movies...
  9. S

    'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6/12]

    Latios and Latias send their blessings. The fact that Zoroa and Zoroark are event-exclusive is far more relevant than their not being legendary. Common sense dictates that Zoroark will not be able to breed so that no loses incentive to shell out money on movie tickets (or make all the way to...
  10. S

    'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6/12]

    That sort of thinking is the reason why Zoroark and Zoroa are not going to be able to breed. Game Freak are not stupid.
  11. S

    'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6/12]

    RE: 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6 They stated it four months ago and haven't said a word since (they implied that the unique method would be revealed). The various official web sites haven't said anything about it at all. I have no doubt that...
  12. S

    'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6/12]

    It is blatantly obvious that Zoroa and Zoroark can't be bred if they are event-exclusive Pokémon. You could use Phione as a precedent, but if Zoroa could be obtained via Zoroark, the second event would be rendered rather pointless. Case in point: There has never been an event for Phione. I'm...
  13. S

    (1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

    Are there any other details you're free to divulge? Specifically, do you have a rough idea of how many of the new Pokémon are evolutions of older ones? Does the main quest still revolve around collecting badges, or does the yin and yang theme play a bigger role? Is there only one region in the...
  14. S

    (1) 12th Movie Special Premiere [7/5]

    WPM, did the 3D segment with the five Johto legendaries (all bar Celebi) seem to be of the same quality as that of the 3D scenes we've seen in the recent commercial? If so, it should mean that it will be part of the games' new intro.
  15. S

    (2) Dragonite Giveaway at Toys R Us and Upcoming Video Game Showdowns, 12th Movie Teaser Trailer [10

    At the risk of coming across as offensive, this report only has basis in your memory, which given the recent event that has happened to you, might not be good enough. Why didn't you report this any sooner?