Recent content by Shiny Dragonite

  1. Shiny Dragonite

    QUITTING SALE! Come get some basic staples at a good price!

    Do you still have the tornadus FA? and if so, is it from the dark explorers expansion?
  2. Shiny Dragonite

    Dude, great battle (: LOVE that Shiny Charizard!

    Dude, great battle (: LOVE that Shiny Charizard!
  3. Shiny Dragonite

    Let's Do the 7th Generation

    Let's Do the 7th Generation! PRESENT YOUR STARTER CONCEPTS - SIGN-UPS OPEN Im going to drop out of this. Unfortunately i dont have the time to participate as much as i want to. Sorry guys.
  4. Shiny Dragonite

    Let's Do the 7th Generation

    Let's Do the 7th Generation! ONE DAY FOR STARTERS CONCEPTS - SIGN-UPS OPEN Im not sure what we have yet. I'll be working on it though.
  5. Shiny Dragonite

    Let's Do the 7th Generation

    Let's Do the 7th Generation! ONE DAY FOR STARTERS CONCEPTS - SIGN-UPS OPEN When's the starter pokés due?
  6. Shiny Dragonite

    Thanks for everything (:

    Thanks for everything (:
  7. Shiny Dragonite

    Let's Do the 7th Generation

    RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! THREE DAYS FOR STARTERS CONCEPTS - SIGN-UPS OPEN I also like this idea.
  8. Shiny Dragonite

    Wi-Fi Trades Shiny Dragonite's MyPlayer Thread - Haves: IV Bred Pokemon & Shinies!

    I do not have these. They are in my WANT list.
  9. Shiny Dragonite

    Let's Do the 7th Generation

    RE: Let's Do the 7th Generation! THREE DAYS FOR STARTERS CONCEPTS - SIGN-UPS OPEN So team 5 has agreed on Fire type (:
  10. Shiny Dragonite

    Shining Goodra, WANNA BE BEST FRANDS!?

    Shining Goodra, WANNA BE BEST FRANDS!?
  11. Shiny Dragonite

    Shiny Goodra, Well, hi there

    Shiny Goodra, Well, hi there
  12. Shiny Dragonite

    Wi-Fi Trades PMJ's X/Y Trades (Look at OP for new stuff, including shinies!)

    RE: PMJ's X/Y Trades (Big update with Mega Stones, Vivillon, and a much cleaner OP) I got a 5 IV female in a wondertrade. So I bred a couple. So that I could trade and have a good breeder for that egg group.
  13. Shiny Dragonite

    Let's Do the 7th Generation

    Let's Do the 7th Generation! THREE DAYS FOR STARTERS CONCEPTS - SIGN-UPS OPEN Don't you guys have your QT for a reason? Not to be rude..
  14. Shiny Dragonite

    Let's Do the 7th Generation

    Let's Do the 7th Generation! THREE DAYS FOR STARTERS CONCEPTS - SIGN-UPS OPEN Oh, Okay. 3 days should be a good amount of time then.