
I started playing Pokemon at age 4 with the very first releases. Pokemon Blue Version was the very first video game I ever owned. I similarly began collecting the TCG with Base Set.

At the start of the Diamond and Pearl series, my love for Pokemon, while never gone, was reinvigorated to the levels of when I was a small child. This is when I began playing both the TCG and the VGC competitively, and have been a serious collector ever since.

I now spend my days as a YouTuber and streamer, with my content mainly focusing on Pokemon and other retro gaming subjects.
Filmmaking, Streaming, Music (Drumming), Hiking, Meditation, Collecting Various Objects and Displaying them in my House
Pokemon Involvement
  1. TCG Player
  2. VG Player
  3. Competitive TCG Player
  4. Competitive VG Player
  5. Episode Watcher
  6. Movie Watcher
  7. Collector
  8. Crazy Collector
  9. TCG Play! Pokémon Player
  10. VG Play! Pokémon Player
Generation Started



  1. 0

    VG Play! Pokémon Player

    A P!P video game player who actively battles in tournaments this season.
  2. 0

    TCG Play! Pokémon Player

    A P!P TCG player who actively battles in tournaments this season.
  3. 0

    Crazy Collector

    This member owns an extremely large and impressive collection of Pokémon merchandise or cards.
  4. 0


    This member actively collects Pokémon merchandise or cards.
  5. 0

    Movie Watcher

    This member loves the Pokémon films and has seen all of them multiple times.
  6. 0

    Episode Watcher

    This member watches the Pokémon anime on a regular basis or has seen most seasons. He or she has extensive knowledge of the show.
  7. 0

    Competitive VG Player

    This member competitively plays the Pokémon VG on a regular basis.
  8. 0

    Competitive TCG Player

    This member competitively plays the Pokémon TCG on a regular basis.
  9. 0

    VG Player

    This member plays the Pokémon video games on a regular basis.
  10. 0

    TCG Player

    This member plays the TCG on a regular basis.