
I'm a rom hacker...I was called Collidingdragons but now I'm Silver because Silver is awsome :O

Ok people, NO I AM NOT MACH8822! THAT IS MY BROTHER! People were bugging the crap out of me when I first came here about that when I first came here. So let me say once again NO I AM NOT HIM! Just because we have the same IP adresses doesn't mean we're the same person.

1000th Post At 12-09-2007 At 11:37 a.m.

Now time for some quotes of he Chat Room :)
* C-D is now known as Kermit-The-Frog
* Kermit-The-Frog slaps PMJ around a bit with a large trout
* Kermit-The-Frog is now known as C-D
<C-D> you just got owned by Kermit The Frog :O
<@bacon> One exclamation mark away from madness
<C-D> :O
<Wall|away> lol
<C-D> DFB: Do you have a Nubin?
<DukeFireBird> Nubin?
<C-D> Chandler's third nipple
<DukeFireBird> eew
<DukeFireBird> no
<@PMJ> <_<
<@PMJ> I burn puppies at the stake.
<C-D> really?
<@PMJ> no :|
<C-D> -_-
<@PMJ> But if I had to choose to burn one, I'd burn a puppy.
<C-D> :O
<@PMJ> Don't tell Amt.
<C-D> :O
<C-D> I'm telling Amt >:]
* PBGuest ([email protected]) has joined
<Silver-> GUEST!
<PBGuest> tiytiryrtjyorjtyrjutjyrjyroryjrjyrojyrjryoj
* PBGuest ([email protected]) Quit (Bye!)
[10:40] <Magicmew> z-man
[10:40] <z-man> Magicmew
[10:40] <Silver-> Silver-
[10:40] <Silver-> oh wait thats me
[19:15] * Angel-Of-Death is teh awsomeness :O
[19:15] <@bacon> Man, it's in purple text. I'm convinced!
[19:16] <Zain> XD
[17:27] <`> Arzamo acts differently in the chatroom compared to on the forums. :p
[17:27] <Arzamo> Very
[17:27] <Arzamo> I suck at spontaneity
[15:20] <z-man> SOMEONE QUOTE THIS:
[20:05] <@PMJ> Tee hee.
[13:20] <@HeavenlySpoon> zilla, get a Wii
[13:20] <@HeavenlySpoon> PBR
[13:20] <@HeavenlySpoon> a DS
[13:20] <@HeavenlySpoon> D/P
[13:20] <@HeavenlySpoon> and brawl
[13:20] <@HeavenlySpoon> :)
[13:20] <Godzilla> Naw
[13:20] <Angel-Of-Death> :[
[13:21] <Godzilla> Rather have college money. :F
[13:21] <Angel-Of-Death> >_>
[13:21] <@HeavenlySpoon> who needs college :O
[13:21] <Kronar> lol
[13:21] <@HeavenlySpoon> education is overrated
[16:02] <@Porygon> I found the greatest typo in the history of man
[16:03] <@HeavenlySpoon> share it with us mere mortals :O
[16:03] <@HeavenlySpoon> and me
[16:03] <Angel-Of-Death> >_<
[15:20] <Kronar> yes silver, i have no friends
[15:20] <Kronar> [/not sarcasm]
[23:35] <Kronar> what are img tags?
[23:35] <Kronar>
[23:36] <CCloud> lol >_>
[23:36] <Kagami> >.>
[23:36] <Kagami> seriously?
[23:36] <Kronar> ill take that as a yes
[22:14] <Ayano> I got "5x=10" wrong
-15:26:39- <Bellomence> Hi gamercal!! :p
-15:26:47- <Bellomence> Hi PMJ!!
-15:27:14- <Kronar> hi stupid
-15:27:15- <Bellomence> :|
-15:27:18- <Kronar> PMJ isnt here
-14:59:04- * @Spamophone rings
-14:59:12- * Godzilla pics it up
-14:59:13- <Godzilla> hello?
-14:59:15- <@Spamophone> STOP CALLING ME.
-14:59:17- * @Spamophone hangs up
-14:59:17- <Angel-Of-Death> xD
-22:22:10- <Zilla> lol
-22:22:11- <Zilla> PMJ
-22:22:15- <Zilla> Watch out for Ninjask
-22:22:20- <Zilla> don't make the same mistake I did
-22:22:23- <Zilla> or you'll end up like me
-22:22:27- * Zilla reveals wooden leg
-12:39:46- <Newdude> Secondly, capitalization is your friend.
-12:39:54- <Silver> lolol
-12:39:57- <bam|homework> Thirdly, secondly isn't a word.
-01:01:50- <+Amt> bi
-01:01:52- <@PMJ> ology
-01:01:54- * +Amt ([email protected]) has left (Leaving)
-16:31:29- <csi_miami> I AM BUSY WATCHING A SHOW
-16:31:32- <csi_miami> DO NOT INSULT ME NOW
-16:31:32- <Kronar> \m/ you sir, are crazy :F \m/
Mar 27, 1994 (Age: 30)
Gnawing My Arm In A Corner
Pokemon Involvement
  1. TCG Player