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  • Silverorb,
    I have an Ice safari with Spheal, Bergmite and Cloyster.
    My friend code is 1907-9797-0140
    If that would help...
    They can be difficult, but it takes practice.
    Important to note that you should definitely train real hard on the first couple routes. Don't start challenging gyms until you are over-leveled to an extent.
    One thing I make sure to do every time is making sure I evolve my starter before the first gym. It ensures that you have one high leveled pokémon for at least the beginning of the game.
    Mew totally deserves one! Especially since Mewtwo got 2. I hope it will get an awesome one! :D
    Don't listen to Keeper of Night. Nuzlockes are badddd. Pokémon die! :(

    Welcome to PokeBeach! :D Your avatar is really awesome. Now that Mega Evolutions are confirmed for generation 3 starters, I think we'll get them for the 4th generation too! :D
    The challenge is definitely the part that draws me in. It turns even a familiar game into a brand new adventure!
    And if you'd like to write up what happens in your challenge and share them on the site, several members do the same in the Past Generations forum or the VG General Discussion forum for the newest games.
    I wish you luck! :D
    It's a really interesting way to revisit older games and still keep them interesting.
    I always recommend Nuzlocke runs! Win or lose, there's never a bad experience. :D
    It's strange to get to a point where weird pokemon are pulling you through that you never expected. I remember on my Platinum Locke, I never would have made it through the beginning of the game without, of all things, Bidoof! :p
    So far, it is. I notice there's not as many double battles as in Emerald though.
    Have you ever tried a Nuzlocke run before?
    Wouldn't that be awesome? Especially if we got new megas to go with them (mega Torterra would look amazing imo)! :D
    Haha, I recently started a Nuzlocke Sapphire run. Should be interesting, as the only Gen3 game I ever played was Emerald.
    To ensure other members see your messages, make sure to hit the reply button before posting. :D

    Yeah, I choose Totodile mainly for the early Ice Fang. Cynadaquil is really cute though. ;w;
    Did you ever play Gen3? I'm almost hoping we get Gen 2 or 4 starters in ORAS like we did in XY. :)
    Right now I'm trying to get the vivillon's that I'm missing because I just have completed my dex! Also I'm on the shiny hunt on my game right now
    Really thats amazing, I'm really happy I found a gen 2 fan (almost everytime I choose cyndaquil) but I love feraligatr! and an empoleon one!!!!
    Hey, welcome to PokeBeach!
    I also love Empoleon! Looks amazing with the trident beak, don't you think? :)
    I agree that Gen 2 was amazing. I never get tired of doing different run-throughs on Silver or Crystal. Although I usually always choose Totodile. :p
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