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  • http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dreamhax/anamanaguchi-make-endless-fantasy-more-than-album

    Please share this with your friends, remind people who you think know about us, and help us make this album all that it needs to be, together.

    Sol' pid='2230131' dateline='1332642843 said:
    For anyone who likes to stay up until three in the morning playing video games and can only listen to their ipod as to not wake up their parents, Anamanaguchi can't be beaten. It's fast, gets the adrenaline going, and makes me all nostalgic. But then again, I'm a sucker for 8 bit music.

    Sol' pid='2230131' dateline='1332642843 said:
    Anamanaguchi can't be beaten.


    Speaking of Pink Floyd and 8-bit stuff, have you seen this?:

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