Recent content by StarlightSearcher

  1. StarlightSearcher

    Mayhem and Brawls Continue to Break Out at Costco Stores Over “151” Products

    The minority will always ruin it for the majority. They always have, and always will.
  2. StarlightSearcher

    Mewtwo Promo and Pikachu Accessories Now Available in Pocket’s Premium Shop for December

    I'm still on the fence about actually continuing to play this game right now. I'm trying not to spend money on this game like in Masters, so not buying anything is hard. Especially because I like the art on all the stuff they dropped. (NOTE: I actually still haven't done the two-week free...
  3. StarlightSearcher

    Van Gogh Museum Cancels Pikachu Promo Distribution!

    It's a shame it had to come to this. Unsavory individuals thinking about themselves and their profits constantly ruin things for everyone. Pokémon Company needs to something. Because this simply can't keep happening. Something needs to be done.
  4. StarlightSearcher

    Discussion what game are you going to get?

    Violet. The box legend looks much better, I prefer the "chad" professor, plus I always have gravitated towards the "blue" game as my main since X&Y. (Violet isn't blue, but a shade of purple, I know. My point still stands considering Scarlet is a shade of red.)
  5. StarlightSearcher

    General Name Changes

    Tails ---> StarlightSearcher It's my Discord username, as well as my Twitch profile username; so having my username on the forum Discord channel be completely different than my actual username was weird. And it's time to finally rectify it. Time to make them match.
  6. StarlightSearcher

    “Pokemon Scarlet” and “Pokemon Violet” Announced! Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly!

    The starters don't interest me, right off the bat. But, they have potential. I'm probably learning towards Violet right now and picking the cat. And will probably just get the other version for Christmas like I usually do. Game Freak, if you're listening. Please don't make the cat become...
  7. StarlightSearcher

    New Layout and Forums Launched, Hacking Updates, and Some Help Needed!

    I, like everyone else, is so glad that the forums are back, and the new layout will take some getting used to. But, it looks really good from what I've seen so far. Just going to take some getting used to, is all.
  8. StarlightSearcher

    News Special Card Frames Releasing in Japan!

    I think this is a cool idea. That this'll take off when they decide to release it worldwide; I don't see why they wouldn't, or shouldn't. I know they're showing newer cards from the Sword and Shield era, but there's nothing that saying to me that you couldn't put an older card into the frame...
  9. StarlightSearcher

    PokeBeach's Spirit Animal is actually a Moltres.

    PokeBeach's Spirit Animal is actually a Moltres.
  10. StarlightSearcher

    'New Pokemon Snap' Releasing April 30th, New Trailer!

    The game looks really awesome. Bright, colorful, and should stand on it's own. Now, I'm still mulling over the decision to get a pre-order. I'm always looking for new games to play on my Switch, and being someone who enjoyed the OG Snap on the N64; there should be no doubt that I'll enjoy this...
  11. StarlightSearcher

    Leftover 'Sun & Moon' Full Arts Releasing in English!

    ngl, that Erika FA is actually really pretty. Also, I really like the FA Sightseer/Tourist.
  12. StarlightSearcher

    Discussion Returning to HGSS- Things I Didn't Notice

    About point 3, that was the case in the originals. The only Dark type you can get before Kanto (legitimately, without trading/breeding) is Umbreon. Larvitar makes sense in Mt. Silver, considering what it evolves into. Also, Whitney was never hair-pullingly frustrating, or the stuff of...
  13. StarlightSearcher

    Discussion What Are You Playing Right Now?

    I've been wanting to restart my Black 2 file but I keep procrastinating on it. I want to save a few Pokemon (my in game team and a Salamence from my long lost copy of Emerald) before I wipe the file. I've been bouncing around Sword, knocking out raids and stuff, but nothing too exciting.
  14. StarlightSearcher

    G-Max Moves, Kubfu Details, Early-Purchase Bonus Revealed for Sword & Shield Expansion Passes!

    Probably. All you'd need to do would show your starter, and they might make it able to Gigantamax. But, probably the three Galar starters Gigantamax forms will have a special in-game event, like they're doing currently with Pokemon like Gengar and Charizard.
  15. StarlightSearcher

    G-Max Moves, Kubfu Details, Early-Purchase Bonus Revealed for Sword & Shield Expansion Passes!

    I'm not sure how to feel about this. It's new content, which is certainly welcome; but at the same time, it's content that I feel should've been in the games to begin with. I'll probably only get the Expansion Pass for Sword, as that's my main Gen VIII or Galar game. Buying the passes again for...