Has there been any confirmation of when the Bank and transfer stuff goes up? Didn't they say that it was going to be realeased some time in December? Any dates mentioned or rumoured yet?
RE: Do you like any unpopular Pokémon?
I actually kind of like Garbodor. After I saw the episode where Roxie used it in the anime it kind of grew on me a bit. It has cool stretchy arms it can slap people with.
Everyone also seems to hate Tangrowth, but I actually really like it. It kind of...
RE: Create A New Status Condition
Hmm, how about Scared?
Not sure how it would work. Maybe it would have a chance of causing your pokemon to retreat back into its ball, flee from wild battle, flinch, or maybe use status moves instead of attacks (like trying to protect itself from what it's...
Hmm, usually the pokemon I beat the game with are kind of special to me, even if they don't have the exact specifications I like. I don't go through the trouble of IV breeding, but I do try and make pokemon have a good nature and an "appropriate" gender. If I breed one that doesn't fit those...
RE: Pokémon That Don't Learn Attacks That Fit Them - Generation 6 Update
I don't know, I can see why it wouldn't have it. Hyper Voice implies the move is generated through the use of their voice and mouth, like screaming. But Noivern's sound based attacks aren't generated from it's mouth and...
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't Post Topics That Have Their Own Thread!
Hmm I just went to the hair salon in Lumiose and noticed that there was a new hair style (male hair styles) I could pick that was never there before. Besides very short, short, and medium, there was also medium...
RE: Type combinations you want to see and designs that they could be
Well now I feel silly.
Another nice type combo could be fighting/dragon. I have no idea what they could possibly do to create it, but I bet it would be pretty neat. As long as it's not a Dragonite/Goodra looking thing...
RE: Type combinations you want to see and designs that they could be
I would like to see an ice/bug type.
I thought Bergmite and Avalugg might be that when I first saw them, but it turned out untrue. It probably wouldn't be the most effective type competitively, but the bug typing would help...
RE: A new kind of Pokemon - Monochromatic?
Ehh, not sure how I feel about this. If it is even real, that is. I feel like they could do something better than "monochromatic" to create more variation. Monochromatic seems too unrealistic, even for pokemon. Maybe if it was more similar to albinism...
I'm pretty sure the Pokemon League is based off of Notre Dame though. I didn't like the music there though. It didn't sound..."epic" enough. It almost sounded like a generic Chinese soundtrack to me.
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't Post Topics That Have Their Own Thread!
(Pokemon League spoilers ahead!)
Does anyone else really like the Elite 4 of this gen? They have great designs and don't use the overused ghost/fighting/dark/psychic types like last gen and the gens before...
RE: 3DS Friend Code Registry
Wow! This is cool and helpful.
I am only playing Y right now (I have White and White 2 as well) so add me and let me know!
Friend code is 2852-7874-9068
RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't post topics that have their own thread!
So...do we know when in the game timelines X and Y take place? I am pretty sure it is after Black and White and their sequels judging from some things some NPCs have said. But do we know any time in years...
RE: Pokémon X / Y : Disappointments and Possible Improvements
Hmm, not much I dislike about the game. But there area couple things.
.Lack of new pokemon (I was hoping for at least 100, but Megas kind of help)
.The chance of added effects appearing. I don't know if it's just me, but added...
RE: Vivillon Secret of the Wings! Pictures And Theories
That's the same as the Squall pattern from Hong Kong. I mean "monsoon" and "squall" mean mostly the same thing really, so it's just a mistranslation right?