
Machamp/Donphan/Rhyperior ***
Blastoise/Feraligatr/Lanturn Prime
Working on Darkness......

Entered in:
Battle Roads
City Championships
Provincial Championships
Regional Championships
Various Tournaments
Drafts: Won once. Kinda of fun to do with what you can do with a 40 card deck.....

August 2010:
Hey, I finally came in close to winning! Came in Second in a Tournament with Machamp, Rhyperior and Gliscor deck (old but can be powerful!). Rhyperior Stage 2 with its attack of 30 plus 10 more for each damage counter on it is pretty scary for someone to attack! The opponent can be knocked out quickly. Rhyperior LevelX plus Expert Belt reallys helps maintain it too. Up to 190 Hp

Darkness Deck is doing well, Umbreon with "Moonlight Fang" stops attacks by any defending Pokemon that has any Poke-Powers or Poke-Bodies!
Played a Tournament again. Rhyperior and Rhyperior Level X were very strong with attacks and defense. Won 3 lost 1. Not close enough to the top for a prize....
Battleroads in September 2010 - won 2 lost 3. Great battles though. I was winning all of my games but then the draws were not on my side at the end of each of the 3 lost games. So, close, I should have won!!:( Down to 1 prize card each....:(
Donphan, Rhyperior and Machamp played very well together!

WOW! I came in 3rd in "Battle Roads" with my Donphan, Rhyperior and Machamp deck. I added in Regigigas for a little change of power and also 3 Relicanth. I lost on the final games but still placed 3rd!
Came in 2nd in one of the last Battle Roads. I had a 4/0 rating until I lost to Sable Lock. Didn't even get a turn in the final 2 games and it was over:( Should have won. I had Machamp Prime, Machamp and Donphan, with broken time space, rare candies etc. Very strong.
Now I have to change it but I am working with Machamp Prime, Donphan, Zekrom, Zoroark, Reuniclus and Clefa. Seems to work quite well. Try it for Nationals:)
Did Terrible at Nationals. Bad draws:(What can I say.....:( Fun though. Met new friends and old. Good Time!
Went to World's Good Time! Only made it for the first round in Grinders. Lost on the second round and was out:( Yanmega was hard to fight against. Great games though. My Dohphan/Machamp with other Techs. were a good challenge for the opponent! Made them squirm!
Played Donphan, Machamp, Zekrom with "Catchers" in the Northwest Regionals. 5/3 win/loss. Ratings are up. Within the the top 10 in British Columbia and within the top 20 in Canada. Downfalls in the games were against anything that stopped me from using Trainers, or moving damage around or Blissy with removing all damage. Yanmega Prime was a challenge too. I think I'll keep this deck....
Pokemon Involvement
  1. TCG Player

