Recent content by Tangrowth

  1. Tangrowth

    (1) November 'CoroCoro' Scans Reveal More B/W Ken Sugimori Artwork [11/12]

    Amazing artwork! I love all of these new Pokemon. Gamageroge looks ba and I love Agirudaa's design, though I prefer it's dream world artwork pose. Love the Bug/Rock and Zuruzukin too. And to everyone hating on Yabukuron and Dasutodasu, I personally love them. When I first saw all those...
  2. Tangrowth

    (1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

    I'm not so sure this is real....
  3. Tangrowth

    (1) 'Pokemon Peer' Interview Translations [9/10]

    I love Tsutaaja's final evo, and from what the designers say, it could be real. However, I'm not a massive fan of the other 2 final evo starters... Anywho, I'd love Tsutaaja to end up as a grass dragon. Then just give me a toucan and a koala and I am complete. I love the way they did their...
  4. Tangrowth

    (1) 'Best Wishes' Previews Show Exciting Changes to the Animé [8/26]

    If you pause the video at 0:17 you can see Pikachu is battling Mamepato which means Ash will more than likely have it on his team. Thank God Ash wasn't replaced, but I don't really like his new eyes. They're too buggy and cartoonish. It's in its hand.
  5. Tangrowth

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals Mr. Brocolli: Yanappu! [8/21]

    Wow, I love the KS artwork! Brocolli monkey is actually cool! I am so loving the 5th generation.
  6. Tangrowth

    (1) Two New Pokemon Revealed in Ad and Tabunne Confirmed [8/18]

    YES!!! ANOTHER OCTOPUS!!! Now all I need is a toucan and a koala and I can die from happiness!
  7. Tangrowth

    (1) Clear CoroCoro Scans FINALLY Leaking [8/9]

    Or maybe when Luvdisc evolves, Swift Swim changes to Hydration? That was my initial reaction, as they're both rain related. I think you'll be able to get Mamanbou in the wild with either ability, then breed it with a certain incense you get after beating the elite 4 to get a Luvdisc with either...
  8. Tangrowth

    (2) August CoroCoro Scans, Basurao Revealed from 'Black' and 'White' Demos [7/8]

    In Generation 1, Psychic types ruled. By Gen 3 and 4, Dragon had taken over. Looks like Gamefreak is revitalising the Psychic type in Gen 5. Anyways, I love all the new Pokemon and I can't wait for the Sugimori art of Plantowl. But why no more news on Denchura, Ononokusu etc.?
  9. Tangrowth

    (1) 'Best Wishes' Characters Iris and Reimu Revealed on 'Pokemon Sunday' [8/1]

    If Ash leaves, my over-extended childhood ends. And did anyone else notice how gorgeous the guy playing the DSi was? :P
  10. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 What type will Victini be?

    Because of the wings on it arse and the whole victorious thing I think it could be the first Fighting/Flying Pokemon. But I don't really care because I don't have Wi-fi. >:P
  11. Tangrowth

    (1) 'Best Wishes' Characters Iris and Reimu Revealed on 'Pokemon Sunday' [8/1]

    I wouldn't hate the girl as much if she got a haircut. Other than that I love everything about it. I'm still confused about Koromori though, because initially I thought that the pink thing was it's eye, but now I'm not sure whether it's a nose or not. There is valid arguements for both sides...
  12. Tangrowth

    (1) Three New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [7/30]

    Okay, first people give out that the new Pokemon don't look like animals anymore, but now they complain about how the SWAN (it's so not a stork) and the deer look too much like animals? You just can't please some people! I love the new Pokemon, especially the swan.
  13. Tangrowth

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals Legendary Pokemon from 14th Movie Ad [7/25]

    Oh for the days when everyone despised Mijumaru and loved Tsutaaja... As predicted, like 90% of people changed their minds on the starters for no reason. *withers and dies* X(
  14. Tangrowth

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals Legendary Pokemon from 14th Movie Ad [7/25]

    Great, so now I won't be able to get Zorua or Bikutini. >:( Stupid wi-fi events >:P
  15. Tangrowth

    (1) New Pokemon, Mamanbō, Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [7/22]

    You're denying that a pink heart-shaped fish evolves into a larger pink heart-shaped fish? As for your issues with eye size, Magikarp to Gyarados? Wailmer to Wailord? Their eyes grow along with their body's size.