This could be our final hope with a ruby/sapphire remake within gen 5. you know to occupy fans until x and y come out. seems unlikely, but I'm hoping still
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?
I'm guessing its too develop tools to capture xerneas and yveltal. I mean what threat is an "evil" organization just selling fossils? Anyone could do that. There HAS to be something bigger. gamefreak wouldn't make their team this well...
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?
How about...
-Create a downloadable 3DS app
-Use that app to transfer your Gen 5 and maybe even Gen 4 Pokemon (by inserting the game into the 3DS. The app will recognize the cartridge inserted within the system)
-The app replicates the old...
RE: Will X & Y be backwards compatible with B/W?
I'm pretty sure backwards compatibility is present. I mean genesect was shown in the game trailer for mewtwo. And speaking of mewtwo confirms the backwards compatibility. unless mewtwo is obtained in game somehow or through event
I'm pretty sure the old Pokemon shown in the trailers are there in order to keep the new Pokemon unrevealed for now. Just because they're there doesn't necessarily mean they're confirmed to be in the Pokedex. Although trailer Pokemon like Magikarp, Psyduck, and Weavile are likely to appear.
Well in the movie trailer Mewtwo was seen transforming into this "new Pokemon." So no it isn't a new Pokemon, just a new form. I honestly don't understand why Gamefreak is calling this a "new Pokemon." It's pretty misleading, considering it's just a new version of an existing Pokemon.
It's a shame how there were even hardly a handful of any pre-Gen V Pokemon in the mix. Up until now pretty much every Gen had equal representation. Mystery Dungeon is just another Gen V title that totally dismisses anything before Black/White. Don't get me wrong, I love the Gen V Pokémon and all...
The first legit shiny I found in the wild was a Goldeen. I was scared I'd knock out considering it was only level 10 (this was during the post game) but luckily I had a net ball lol
With all the hints given out, we can pretty much confirm it's a new type. It's even in the name. Fairy does fit Sylveon, considering it's very obscure appearance. Plus Gamefreak isn't even releasing the typing. I mean if Sylveon was an existing type, then what's the deal of not confirming it's...