[21:24] <MylesPrower> We'll take pride in being the Half-Forum Junior Weekday Moderator
I guess I'll update this since I haven't in about a year and a half.
Random Facts:
1. I've been a member of Pokebeach for over 5 years.
2. I've been banned twice (Around Mod Apps)
3, I quit Pokebeach once, but then the full plan was revealed.
4. I remember a lot of things.
5. I'm going to be attending Georgetown University in the fall of 2015.
6. I'm pretty good at Math and History (I took Calc BC as a sophomore).
7. I suck at Science.
8. I play chess a lot (8th in AZ High School State 2013).
9. I will be studying Government and Economics in College.
10. I live in Arizona, except for when I'm at school in DC.
Shadow Lugia:
He was one of the first people I ever met when I joined Pokebeach, and it's cool to see him back.
Back when he was a mod, we had an incident with flipping my signature upside down, and we've been friends since, he's still one of the coolest mods ever.
#1 Weavile:
We would talk about a variety of things on chat, he may be strange, but he's really cool to talk to.
42 Chocolate:
We started talking on chat, and eventually we did a whole bunch of stuff in the Game Corner together, for example, he ran Murder III, and helped me with Murder IV. Now that he's inactive, we've been playing tetris together occasionally.
I followed him around in his million clans that he made.
Ice Espeon:
We did a whole bunch of stuff together in the Game Corner. For example, Murder VI.
We talked a whole bunch on chat, and love to talk about 3DS stuff.
We talked a whole bunch on chat about a variety of things, and he helped me organize my Werewolf game.
Riskbreakers: chat, nba
Awesome girl to talk to in #spam
That fluffy bird.
Awesome guy to talk about Chess and LOST to, if you're not talking to Gale of course.
Platinum226: also known as Platinum 26;
Good friends on chat, we made a whole bunch of great jokes together. We also have the 3DS relationship going for us too.
Electimortar (Yes, the hacker):
He's pretty cool to talk to this guy on chat, especially about anything Nintendo and the 3DS.
Electric Pokemon Master:
We worked on a site together, you can't break that.
Meta (Chat):
He was constantly banned from PB chat, but he was constantly cool to talk to about the NBA.
Awesome to talk to about LOST.
We worked a bit on Werewolf, and just good to talk to a Jew on chat.
Brisk Cakers:
Awesome to talk to about the NBA and Werewolf.
Some scrub, I don't know how he got here.
Just a cool guy to work with, oh and we're doing WW18 together.
Some chat quotes, because they're cool.
[13:06] <weavile1> So, spoon?
[13:06] <weavile1> does Guy89 know you changed his profile yet
[13:22] <Guy89> spoon changed it!
[13:22] <weavile1> wtf you're still here?!?!
[13:33] <Guy89> who was it????
[13:33] <Moona> Yay who
[13:33] <Guy89> spoon????
[13:33] <weavile2> OMG 2 weaviles
[13:33] <PBGuest83> it was i
[13:34] <Guy89> no, you are just a guest
[13:34] <PBGuest83> im not
[13:34] <Moona> **** Moona shacks her head in disbelef *****
[13:34] <Guy89> then who are you?
[13:34] <Mimebread> Scampy.
[13:34] <PBGuest83> huh
[13:35] <weavile2> SR!?!?!
[13:35] <Mimebread> I win :
[17:48] <scamwecvrgwevg> I somehow made the connection there that throwing serebii users into lake rage causes it to be full
[17:49] <Zero> bacon, throwing serebii members in anything turns that anything to stupid
[17:49] <Zero> watch
[17:49] <PMJ|guide> serebii has a page on that.
[17:49] * Zero throws Serebii Joe at jirach1211
[17:49] <scamwecvrgwevg> cool i have been searching for a stupid blender for the longest time
[17:49] <Zero> go get some pet serebii members
[17:49] <Zero> I've been told they are all potty trained
[17:49] <Zero> ... most of them...
[17:50] <PMJ|guide>
[19:59] <Shining_Raikou> Plato we don't want to see you with a mop on your head and lipstick on wearing your mom's wedding dress
[20:07] <Zero> good editing software NAO
[20:07] <Zero> video editing
[20:07] <kawaii_Mew> lol
[20:07] <Plato> photoshop
[20:07] <Zero> video ;P
[20:07] <Zero> preferably one that's free
[20:07] <Plato> videoshop
[20:11] <Zero> kronaring
[20:11] <Zero> that's a word?
[20:11] <Shining_Raikou> It is now
[17:24] <toot> Ok, so when I was in the 6th grade, there was this girl in my class who was super sexy and smart, so I asked her out to the school sock hop
[17:24] <Saturos> I've seen it on a Phanpy
[17:24] <Saturos> it was called 'PIES'
[17:24] <Saturos> (trademark)
[17:24] <Zero> in 6th grade?
[17:24] <Zero> funny
[17:24] <toot> However, her answer was "No! You're ugly, you're fat, and you have no friends!" I got said, and I ran away into the forest.
[17:24] <toot> sad*
[17:24] <Guy89> lol
[17:25] <Atreyu> You have some up dog on you.
[17:25] <Zero> forrest, funny
[17:25] <Zero> forest
[17:25] <toot> While I was there, I saw a frog, and thought that maybe if I kissed it, it would turn into a princess, and we could live happily ever after
[17:25] <Saturos> but the plot twist is you got warts?
[17:26] <toot> So, I started to kiss it, but because I had never kissed anything before, I got kind of carried away, and started to slobber all over it's face and neck
[17:26] <Lenny> eww
[17:26] <toot> So then, I got warts all over my tongue, mouth, lips, cheeks, and chin
[17:26] <dragonexpert> lol?
[17:26] <toot> For the next month, everyone started to call me "Warthog"
[17:27] <toot> So then, I got so mad, that one day, I decided to be...
[17:27] <toot> evil
[17:28] <toot> I told the principal that the girl who said I was fat and ugly was making out and groping with 3 kids from 8th grade at once.
[17:29] <toot> And i was happy ever since
[17:29] <toot> the end
[17:29] <dmaster> umm dead...? idk lol
[17:29] <toot> oh, and she got in trouble. She was expelled
[18:27] <tweety210> we can't kill Mods
[18:27] * Ganon grabs the shotgun
[18:27] <Ganon> wanna bet?
[21:18] <MylesPrower> Meanwhile
[21:18] <MylesPrower> I love this chatroom
[21:19] <MylesPrower> You wanna know why I love the chatroom?
[21:19] <MylesPrower> It's like a play.
[21:19] <MylesPrower> Not a lame one, like the King and I
[21:19] <MylesPrower> No.
[21:19] <MylesPrower> A juicy one
[21:19] <MylesPrower> like
[21:19] <MylesPrower> Spring Awakening; the one with two numbers about <censored>.
[21:20] <MylesPrower> And we are all characters
[21:20] <MylesPrower> Slowly but surely <censored>ed.
[21:20] <MylesPrower> And we're all spiraling to our discontent in different ways
[21:20] <Vaporeon> lol
[21:20] <MylesPrower> We've got power-hungry morons
[21:21] <MylesPrower> PM Spammers throwing you into their forums
[21:21] <MylesPrower> Suck-ups
[21:21] <MylesPrower> <censored> - ups
[21:21] <MylesPrower> Super nerds
[21:22] <MylesPrower> Liars
[21:22] <MylesPrower> Beloved criminals
[21:22] <MylesPrower> and it's not over
[21:22] <MylesPrower> until the fat lady sings.
[21:22] <MylesPrower> We've got her, too.
[21:22] <MylesPrower> Her name is Bela.
[21:22] <TheGuy> lol
[21:23] <MylesPrower> Bela;
[21:23] <MylesPrower> will be the end of Pokebeach.
[21:23] <MylesPrower> It'll be like an April Fool's prank gone wrong one day
[21:23] <DNA> I wonder which one I fall under
[21:23] <DNA> it's probably either suck-up or super-nerd
[21:23] <MylesPrower> ERRORERRRORISEISEISE *bloop*
[21:23] <MylesPrower> AND THAT IS THE END.
[21:24] <MylesPrower> Meanwhile we can hold our little positions
[21:24] <MylesPrower> We'll take pride in being the Half-Forum Junior Weekday Moderator
[21:24] <MylesPrower> (a future staff position)
[21:24] <MylesPrower> But we're screwed.
[21:24] <MylesPrower> xDDD
[21:27] <MylesPrower> And most of the audience can't even see the play
[21:27] <MylesPrower> It's going on behind closed doors...
[21:27] <DNA> where the heck is that image
[21:27] <MylesPrower> It's like
[21:28] <MylesPrower> we PRACTICE the SHOW there in our secret forums and PMs
[21:28] <MylesPrower> until it'll be exposed to the general 'publique'
[21:28] <MylesPrower> Someone will probably come around about now
[21:29] <MylesPrower> Scold me for posting so many times in a row
[21:29] <MylesPrower> Maybe a kick, maybe a ban
[21:29] <DNA> dangit, can't find it
[21:30] <MylesPrower> But that's all part of what makes the chat a place to be
[21:31] <MylesPrower> If I get kicked, suddenly you like
[21:31] <MylesPrower> feel PROUD to still be here
[21:31] <MylesPrower> like frikkin
[21:31] <MylesPrower> Nelson Muntz, from the Simpsons?
[21:31] <MylesPrower> A-HA!
[21:31] <MylesPrower> A-HA!
[21:31] <MylesPrower> He got kicked and I didn't!
[21:32] <MylesPrower> "MylesPrower is so stupid! I know how not to get kicked!"
[21:32] *** Shining_Raikou has joined #pokebeach
[21:32] *** Pokebeach sets mode +a on Shining_Raikou
[21:32] <MylesPrower> Oh Raikou
[21:32] <MylesPrower> You have COMPLETELY missed
[21:32] <MylesPrower> Or maybe not completely
[21:32] <MylesPrower> my monologue
[21:32] <Shining_Raikou> ;o
15:18 *** PBGuest03 joined #pokebeach
15:18 *** PBGuest03 quit (Quit: PBGuest03)
15:18 Arceus hi
15:21 Arceus @PBGuest: funnily enough, my IP also starts as 192.168
15:21 *** PBGuest left #pokebeach
[15:37] <%DNA> watch your language, son
[15:38] <PBGuest> ive tried tht
[15:38] <%DNA> try harder
17:04:28 Arceus inb4 sb laughs at my ban
17:04:51 safariblade I'm not gonna lie.
17:04:55 safariblade I don't get it.
17:05:03 Arceus safari -> jungle
17:05:05 safariblade OHWAIT
17:05:09 safariblade PAHAHAH
[15:53] <TheGuy> Hell Zack
[15:53] <Shining_Raikou> Guess KG isn't here.
[15:53] <DNA> hell zack
[15:53] <DNA> trolololol
[15:53] <Shining_Raikou> HEIL
[15:53] <TheGuy> *Hello
[15:53] <Shining_Raikou> Hello to you too
[22:12] <Swablu|Photoshop> =3
[22:12] * ~Shining_Raikou places Swablu on his head
[22:12] <pride> you fiend
[22:13] * Swablu|Photoshop sits on Shining_Raikou's head
[22:13] <Swablu|Photoshop> And uh, weavile1 tried to wash you earlier, SR
[22:13] <~Shining_Raikou> .
[22:13] <Farina> And then dry you
[22:13] <Swablu|Photoshop> then he tried to put bows in your mane
[22:13] <Farina> And hugged you in a closet
[22:13] <~Shining_Raikou> .
[22:13] <Swablu|Photoshop> I stopped him, though =3
[22:13] * ~Shining_Raikou shudders
[22:13] <Farina> I didn't
[22:13] <Farina> XD
[22:14] <~Shining_Raikou> I have a feeling this will be quoted
[21:35] <PBGuest> Hai dere
[21:36] <TheGuy> hi
[21:36] <PBGuest> the challrnge is an esy geme y di u loose?
[21:37] <TheGuy> what, who are you?
[21:37] <PBGuest> catutie
[21:37] <PBGuest> cnt u tell by mah spellingz
[21:37] <TheGuy> I never played challenge
[21:39] <TheGuy> you aren't catutite
[21:39] <TheGuy> who are you?
[21:40] <TheGuy> DV?
[21:40] <PBGuest> Nevermind I figured it out
[21:40] <PBGuest> President something.
[21:40] <TheGuy> are you safari?
[21:41] <PBGuest> Yeah
[21:41] <PBGuest> Its Bush
[21:41] <TheGuy> no
[21:41] <TheGuy> weal;sdfhjlaskjzdhfg
[21:41] <PBGuest> YUS
[21:41] <TheGuy> THIS_WORD_ISN'T_ALLOWED you
[21:41] <PBGuest> HAHAAHAH
[21:41] <PBGuest> IGOTSITT
* &Arceus offers bacon to Ivy
* Ivy throws bacon
<bacon> : I(
<catutie> and i finally realized a dream
<catutie> to go into the employee only area
[9:39:14 PM] Afro: at least some one's on my side... (i think)
[9:39:28 PM] safariblade: Baby I'm on your side.
[9:39:32 PM] safariblade: Of the bed.
[9:40:05 PM] Tyraniking: he only wants you for your private parts
[9:40:06 PM] Afro: yeah/
<konter_j8902> What is a girl?
<Gale> something you don't have to worry about
<~dmaster> arceus is the only god for me
<~Shining_Raikou> He is my PokeGod
<Gale> Pft, I think I'm a bit more experienced than you guys in life
<%ShadowMan> ...gale you're 13
<TheGuy> lol
<%ShadowMan> I don't think you can say that
<esperante> gale youre also a tv show
<PBGuest> aron larion aggron pichu pichachu riachu water arceus shiny arceus zekrom reshiram
<%ShadowMan> This chat isn't really used for trades or battles. For trades or battles, go to our forums and ask there.
http://pokebeach.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=53 Thanks!
<~Shining_Raikou> PBGuest, thats not how the PokeRap goes.
<~Shining_Raikou> >:/
* Hyperbeem poops out The Guy
<Hyperbeem> pops*
<&UNOBOT> TheAwayGuy has UNO!
<&UNOBOT> Ryder's turn.
<&UNOBOT> Top card: [8] (red)
<TheAwayGuy> unus
<Ryder> !draw
<Ryder> !pass
<&UNOBOT> Blackwing's turn
<&UNOBOT> Top card: [8] (red)
<Blackwing> how to call this
<Blackwing> !play w b
<&UNOBOT> TheAwayGuy's turn.
<&UNOBOT> Top card: [*] (blue)
-UNOBOT- Your cards: [5]
<TheAwayGuy> !play b 5
<&UNOBOT> Congratulations TheAwayGuy you win!!!
<Blackwing> F---
<TheAwayGuy> thank you DNA
<Blackwing> where's risk
<Blackwing> I need my desk
<Ryder> Riskbreakers
<Ryder> Riskbreakers
<Ryder> Riskbreakers
<Ryder> Riskbreakers
<Ryder> Riskbreakers
<Ryder> Riskbreakers
<%Blackwing> I NEED MY DESK
<Ryder> Riskbreakers
<Ryder> Riskbreakers
<Ryder> Riskbreakers
<Ryder> Buttbreakers
<Ryder> Get over here!
<Riskbreakers> umm wait
* Riskbreakers shines desk
<%Blackwing> danke
* %Blackwing headdesks
* %Blackwing takes the desk over to the uno room
<%Blackwing> i'll be needing it
<Ryder> Yeah, he will
<CCloud> !spin
* TheGuy spins the bottle...
<The-Kaiser> thanks for the info Phoenix seems someone is also honest here
<TheGuy> The bottle is slowing down...
<TheGuy> The bottle stopped...
<sonicyellow> you're censored?
<TheGuy> It landed on...
<TheGuy> Pride!
<TheGuy> CCloud must Have a three way with weavile1 and Pride!
<CCloud> o
<CCloud> m
<CCloud> g
<sonicyellow> hawt
<SA> that's new
<CCloud> dream three-way
<sonicyellow> srsly
<SA> angel's triangle
<Lenny> aren't you supposed to be in school
<TheGuy> >>>It's Saturday.<<<
<Lenny> lolfail
<TDL> hahaha
<+TDL> guys
<+TDL> I'm seer
<+TDL> it's guy
<+Hatman> Guy just died
<+Hatman> idiot
<+catutie> xD
<~Stanford> $yer a bad wolf TDL$
TheDevil is a jerk
[6:07:03 PM] TheDevil: That's kinda why I'm the devil.
[6:07:06 PM] Bippa: Bippa likes that TheDevil's a jerk
[6:07:22 PM] TheDevil: TheDevil <3's Bippa the sadist
[6:07:31 PM] Bippa:

[6:07:42 PM] Bippa: New Challenge Title...
[6:07:51 PM] TheDevil: imma tell sb to kick you out of bible club
[6:08:03 PM] TheDevil: for following the devil
[6:08:12 PM] Bippa: HAHA!
[6:08:20 PM] Rock Wrecker: bad bippa
<Smugleaf> anyone here actually know who I am? XD
<~TheGuy> >>>dragonaire<<<
<Smugleaf> uh
<Smugleaf> yeah >_>
* Smugleaf (
[email protected]) has left #PokeSunrise
<Gale> SERBIA: 3DS
<Syneptus> lol
<Syneptus> oh no
<Syneptus> I don't play
* Meaty activates dmaster SMASH!!!!!! O_O shield
<catutie> O_O
<catutie> are we about to get smashed?
* TheGuy|Homework shoots Afro-G
<catutie> D:
<Meaty> catutie that's my way of saying hi to dmaster, more or less
* catutie rushes Afro to the hospital...on a bike
<Meaty> it signifies that I noticed his presence on chat
<catutie> lol
<catutie> you guys must have a special bond then
<~dmaster> it signifies that you're dumb because you think a shield works
<Pride> those dollar signs are annoying.
<Stanford> $they should be$
* Stanford is now known as TheGuy
<Gale> lol
<Ganon> that sounds like it costs money
<Ganon> which I don't ahve
<Ganon> *have
<SL> Or get good at VG
<Gale> steal
[20:43] <Gale> you know the world is in trouble when asians and jews aren't doing well in school
[20:58] <~Shining_Raikou> He could be Iron Man
[20:58] <%Hei> Iron Man: money can buy super heroism
[22:14] <Meaty> he's really from NorCal
[22:14] <%Zero> he?
[22:14] <%Zero> there goes my dreams
[22:14] <%Zero> THANKS MEATY
[22:14] <Meaty> xDDD
[16:07] <~Xander> I MEAN
[21:52] <FTPbrokenjaw> Pumped Up Kicks
[21:52] <~Shining_Raikou> You don't know about my pumped up kicks.
[21:52] <~Shining_Raikou>

[21:52] <FTPbrokenjaw> oh....i know alot about torches
[21:53] <~Shining_Raikou> I know a lot about electrocution
[21:54] <TheGuy> All you kids with your pumped up kicks
[21:54] <TheGuy> You better run
[21:55] <TheGuy> Before there's a bullet in your head
[21:55] <TheGuy> That'll make a great song for teens right?
[21:55] <~Shining_Raikou> Using it as the game corner description
[21:55] <~Shining_Raikou> brb
[22:09] <+Noobnerd|Away> ok then how do you pronounce que
[22:09] <%Blackwing> kay
[22:09] <~Xander> "kay"
[22:09] <Shining_Raikou> kay.
[22:09] <Shining_Raikou> lol
[22:09] <%Blackwing> ninjas
[22:09] <+Noobnerd|Away> okay.
[22:09] <Shining_Raikou> ninjad.
[22:09] <~Xander> no
[22:09] <TheGuy> DNA is ninja
[20:12] <@TPO3> children in africa are starving
[20:12] <@TPO3> why?
[20:12] <Noobnerd> oops.
[20:12] <TheRealBatman> Birds envy my highness.
[20:12] <Noobnerd> TPO3's name on the list on the rightr
[20:12] <Noobnerd> IS TOO DAMN HIGH
[19:33] <+Shining_Raikou> I might be moving to Cleveland now
[19:33] <&Gale> Oh God don't
[19:33] <+Shining_Raikou> Hi <3
[19:34] <&Gale> I don't understand
[19:34] <&Gale> why would someone move TO Cleveland
[19:34] <+Shining_Raikou> Cleveland Institute of Art to be more precise
[19:34] <&Gale> it's supposed to be the other way around
[19:34] <TheGuy> the CIA
[19:34] <TheGuy> :OOOO
[19:34] <&Gale> rofl
[19:34] <%Ganon> lol
[19:34] <+Shining_Raikou> lol
[19:57] <a1ice> Anyone here a major major almost obssessed Pokemon fan?
[19:57] * Master_Z (
[email protected]) Quit ( Ping timeout )
[19:57] <Zero> ...
[19:57] <Zero> no
[19:57] <TheGuy> ^
[19:57] <Zero> Most of us are rational gamers who enjoy the game
[19:58] <a1ice> awwww
[19:58] <Zero> aw
[19:58] <Zero> rational people aren't fun?
[19:58] <a1ice> well
[19:58] <a1ice> they are but
[19:58] <a1ice> v_v
[19:58] <Zero> ...
[13:36] ->> You are now known as Not-TDL
[13:36] <@Futachimaru> I didn't know my mommy used PB
[13:36] <@Futachimaru> :>
[13:36] <Not-TDL> :OO
[13:36] <%Drake> :OO
[13:36] * not_WPM is now known as TheGuy
[13:36] <%Isaac> [12:36] <@not_bacon> man imagine if your parents used pb <-----lolololololol
[13:36] <TheGuy> hey guys I'm back
[13:36] * TheGuy (
[email protected]13.sbcglobal.net) Quit ( NickServ (GHOST command used by Not-TDL) )
[13:36] --NickServ-- Ghost with your nick has been killed.
[13:36] <%Isaac> win
[13:36] <Not-TDL> so much for that
[13:36] * PBGuest (
[email protected]13.sbcglobal.net) has joined #pokebeach
[13:36] <@Futachimaru> doesn't konter's parents use PB?
[13:36] * PBGuest is now known as not_TheGuy
[22:06] <TheGuy|Writing> !dex wpm
[22:06] <%Claydol> #??? WPM: Creator of PokéBeach and a top-class lurker. His presence is rarely ever seen, but definitely felt, to the unsettling of many.
[22:06] <TheGuy|Writing> I couldn't resist
[22:06] <PBGuest> oh