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  • This is awesome. Thank you! An hour drive isn't too bad. Hopefully I can meet some more locals though. I plan to try and get a league going here myself. :) that was very kind of you to message me. Thanks again!!
    Hey, welcome to PokéBeach! :)

    I don't know if you're familiar much with the Pokémon.com website, but they do have an Events Locator that can be used to find TCG events, leagues, and tournaments in your area. Looks like there's a couple leagues in Fargo and one in Moorhead. Both are a bit of a hike, but it's a great way to meet other Pokémon fans, and you might even meet people there that live closer to you that also travel out for the events. In any event, I thought it might be helpful for you. Good luck in your search!
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