Recent content by urutapu

  1. U

    (1) New Pokemon Revealed in B/W Demo Buses [8/6]

    Er, ダルマッカ is Darumakka, not Darumaaka.
  2. U

    July 'CoroCoro' Scans Leaking [7/11]

    Looking at Minezumi's eyes, it's not that surprising.
  3. U

    July 'CoroCoro' Scans Leaking [7/11]

    I'm sure he means Makomo.
  4. U

    July 'CoroCoro' Scans Leaking [7/11]

    Wait, why are we transliterating is as Musharna, but not as Wargle?
  5. U

    July 'CoroCoro' Scans Leaking [7/11]

    Dunno if anybody already said this, but the girl's name is definitely Beru. In the paragraph, there's a "チェレンとベル".