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  • Sure, will do that.
    And yeah, I know that's really annoying. >>; I'm already planning to change my username (to Kent Laiton, since that's the name I always use) sometime, but for that I'd have to reach 250 posts. For now I'll just have to stick with this one. :/
    Anyhow, I'll go send a PM to you.
    Awesome, good luck on the hunt then! I had tried to soft reset once for Cobalion too long ago, but gave up very early. xD Right now I'm also now and then soft resetting for a Shiny Reshiram (using a shiny check remover code, which is said to work, lol) but I'm not too focused on it either since that Reshiram would be semi-legit, or something like that. And it might be possible in Black and White 2 to be able to SR for a legit Shiny Reshiram, so I'm kind of waiting on that too.

    Which of those shinies would you be willing to trade? I wouldn't mind if they'd be cloned. I'm especially interested in Dialga and Vullaby...
    Had you also added my FC already? Totally forgot to ask that, you can see my Friend Code on my profile in the tab About Me.
    Augh, looks like your message was sent while I was asleep. xD I guess because of the whole time zone stuff we're missing each other when being online, lol.
    I wouldn't mind trading my shinies I got in trades, whether they are cloned or not. But if you really would like one of the Shinies I got by myself which you can see in my list, then I could clone them. I also still have some of them before they had evolved (Nidoran Male, Vulpix, Aron, etc) so with trading those I wouldn't mind that much. But oh well, I can show you them all when we would be trading.
    Hmm, do you maybe know any other way how we could be online both at the same time? Maybe if you could give me the exact time when you would be online, I could try to get online then too if I am allowed to.
    Haha, it's okay. I got what you meant, so no worries. And that's quite a coincidence you have that too, my parents sometimes think I have Asperger's as well, though I haven't been tested on that yet.
    I've added your FC again and now it's working, so let me know when you get online so we can trade. Also, if you have read the little new thing I added on my profile about trading, I can show you some of my shinies I got in trades and you can tap on those smiley icons whether you would want the shiny or not.
    Major congrats on the shiny! That's a really awesome one!
    And my apologies for the late response, I see now I am too late. xD
    I found your Black friend code on your profile so I'll add that one, and I will try to get online tonight.
    Also, since I rarely check my messages here, if you would like to add me on Messenger or something like that so we can talk to each other faster, then let me know and I'll send you my MSN adress in a PM.

    Edit: I had tried to add your FC, but it says the code is wrong. Are you sure you typed it correctly?
    Yeah, I love the cards, and I would collect too if I could; but unfortunately, I'm not a fan of the aTCG itself.
    Venus253, Yeah, I can remember being young and naive, and made stupi trades... I regret some too... So I don't blame you... I'm just a collector deep down at heart! :)
    Venus253, Okay cool... I'll add you when I can! :) also, if you PM me, I can list some shinings and stuff! :)
    Venus253, I am not set up to wi-fi... Which is a sure bummer... Otherwise I'd register you, and add you as my friend.. :( But when I do get set up, I'll try and add you up! :D I'd be down for battling/trading! :)
    Venus253, Seems to me your looking for shining Pokemon? Thanks to my friend, Tolanator, I have quite the multitude of shinings! :)
    Venus253, That's pretty impressive! Of you have any questions regarding Anything with video games, let me know! Also, I hope you find your games... Thats a sure bummer to lose them...
    Venus253, Oh yeah? I own quite a few myself:
    Yellow version
    Silver and gold version
    Ruby and Sapphire version
    Firered and LeafGreen version
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