Recent content by Walter

  1. Walter

    Discussion The Ability "Scoundrel Guard"

    I ran into a question the other day I needed clarification. The attack Psystrike GX from the Mewtwo GX in the new set Shining Legends stats, "The attacks damage isn't affected by any effects on your opponent's Active Pokemon. (you can't use more than 1 GX attack in a game.)" My question is can...
  2. Walter

    Standard {{Future Deck Idea}} Snorlax GX/Magnezone

    That is correct
  3. Walter

    Standard Delinquent/Giratina An Oddly Useful Deck

    You spoke of a bad match up against the mirror and I believe you could remedy this with the inclusion of 1/2 Pokemon Ranger. Also I agree with the others even with the random receiver I feel this deck would get itself dead handed so adding draw support would be a plus and if you take a hit on a...
  4. Walter

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    Round 2: RakSharak (me) vs Bdov777 Date: May 17th, 2016 Time: 5:17 pm - 5:52 pm CDT Game 1: Bdov777 (5:17 pm) Game 2: RakSharak (5:24 pm) Game 3: RakSharak (5:52 pm) Winner: RakSharak (me) (2-1)
  5. Walter

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    Round 2: RakSharak (me) vs Itzyatzee Date: May 11th, 2016 Time: 7:30 pm - 8:05 pm CDT Game 1: RakSharak Game 2: Itzyatzee Game 3: RakSharak Winner: RakSharak (me) (2-1) 1st game was absolutely the best game I have played online in months
  6. Walter

    Standard M Alakazam EX / Crobat / Wobbuffet

    I thought so too but without bats it works pretty well
  7. Walter

    Standard M Alakazam EX / Crobat / Wobbuffet

    This was my take on M Alakazam utilizing Absol to move the three damage counters to the active for one turn knocks outs Between bats and Absol what do you think? ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ****** Pokémon - 16 2 Shaymin-EX ROS 106 3 Absol ROS 40 3 Alakazam-EX FAC 125 1...
  8. Walter

    Standard Glaceon-EX / Jolteon-EX

    The Eevee evolutions with mew work great with the focus on max elixir and then attach a double running a smeargle on the bench lets you attack with which ever Eevee evolution you want. I would drop to one stadium of choice and run delinquent.
  9. Walter

    Standard Gallade/Slurpuff

    I created this deck with the thought of getting any card I pretty well wanted each turn, and it works great. With bursting balloon and Giovanni it can pretty well take down most decks I've came up against. The problem I've ran into is lasting until turn three when the premonition/tasting kicks...
  10. Walter

    Standard Fates Collide deck: Genesect Bronzong.

    If you run Maxie's and the new Marowak you could still play your items, just a thought.
  11. Walter

    Ruling Zygarde Ex w/ Fates Collide Mew

    Mew can copy the attacks of your basics so can Mew copy Zygarde's attack for 200 if the item card is attached to Zygarde?
  12. Walter

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    What is your PTCGO screen name? RakSharak What timezone do you live in? Central Standard Time Did you participate in last month’s tournament? If so, were you dropped from it? No Did you make at least two discussion posts on the forums during last month? No Do you promise to make at least...