Recent content by Zing

  1. Zing

    How Do I Deal with Tournament Inexperience?

    Eight shuffles is unneccessary. I read an interview with a magician who could watch someone shuffle and at the end, pull out a particular card. He suggested doing a riffle shuffle, followed by taking the middle portion of the deck and putting it on top, followed by a cut. He said if these three...
  2. Zing

    Dragon Shield sleeves: Yellow

    Better late than never (I haven't visited here in a few weeks). The yellow sleeves are noticeably darker than the card borders. Definitely "significant". I took a photo, but it was deceptive. The yellow looked lighter than it really is.
  3. Zing

    How many Decks Can you Build?

    I don't share cards between decks and only keep four of each card in my collection. I have noticed that I can't have as many decks as I have ideas, though. I currently have six decks going. I only own XY and on.
  4. Zing

    Trades [Canada] W: Lucario EX, XY series H: M Lucario EX SR, 100+ online codes

    Not yet. I still have 18 packs left to open later this week.
  5. Zing

    Trades [Canada] W: Lucario EX, XY series H: M Lucario EX SR, 100+ online codes

    No. I only have up to Furious Fists.
  6. Zing

    Trades [Canada] W: Lucario EX, XY series H: M Lucario EX SR, 100+ online codes

    I already have them all listed in my post.
  7. Zing

    Trades & Sales [CANADA-WW] Bonus41's Thrifty Shop Stop

    I saw the prices listed in the OP, so I assumed you could sell. I have posted my trade list earlier today. Take a peek. URL in my signature!
  8. Zing

    Trades [Canada] W: Lucario EX, XY series H: M Lucario EX SR, 100+ online codes

    I'm relatively new to the game. My family and I just started playing this spring. We are sticking to the XY series. We started with XY and are working our way through the sets in order. We just started using Furious Fists. I'm mainly looking for playable rares and to round out my collection. I...
  9. Zing

    Trades & Sales [CANADA-WW] Bonus41's Thrifty Shop Stop

    I'd be willing to just buy if you quote a total price. Which Charizard EX is it?
  10. Zing

    Trades & Sales [CANADA-WW] Bonus41's Thrifty Shop Stop

    Hey, I am also in Ontario, just north of Toronto. Any chance you could meet up? Im interested in: Delphox Aegislash Wigglytuff Raichu Simipour Simisage Xerneas Butterfree Milotic Charizard EX
  11. Zing

    Roaring Skies Blister Pack Promos

    I also only see Pangoro and Regirock at my local stores. I'm not interested in buying, though.
  12. Zing

    New to the Game and Have a Few Questions

    60-75 Each for the XY elite boxes. Yes, the Primal Clash boxes are everywhere and I could buy one from my local shop in Toronto for $35.
  13. Zing

    New to the Game and Have a Few Questions

    I would have certainly snagged a pair of elite trainer sets if they were available at retail. Current eBay or import prices are not worth it. It's $60-75 CAD after currency conversion.
  14. Zing

    New to the Game and Have a Few Questions

    I am avoiding singles for now to keep trading interesting and fun for the three of us. Also, it helps reign in my decks a bit. If I were to start maximizing my decks with singles, it could quickly become less fun for the others as I have decades of constructed CCG experience. Plus, it's just...
  15. Zing

    New to the Game and Have a Few Questions

    My daughter received a few Pokémon cards from a friend at school a few weeks ago. The next thing I know, we are at the store buying the Fennekin and Chespin starter decks. Over the weeks since then, we have bought all of the XY and Flashfire theme decks as well as several tins and a two boxes of...