Ever dreamt of using original Pokémon cards in real games? Do you want a change of pace from an official, familiar meta? Look no further — this is the program for you!
Welcome to the Custom Pokémon TCG Plugin page! This plugin allows you to use custom Pokémon trading cards online through your desktop, laptop or iPad. It runs on a downloadable card game simulator, LackeyCCG, in the style of a 'manual PTCGO' with its own original format. The card library is supported by works of the Faking Community and predominantly features completed expansions, promo sets and Create-A-Card submissions.
© 1995-2019 Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK Inc. Pokémon and Pokémon character names are trademarks of Nintendo. This is NOT an officially endorsed tool.
1) Download, Expansions, & Suggesting New Cards
2) Plugin User-Guide
3) FAQ, Credits, & Update Log
Download LackeyCCG at: http://www.lackeyccg.com/downloads.html2) Plugin User-Guide
3) FAQ, Credits, & Update Log
Find the Custom Pokémon TCG plugin at: https://ptcgcustomplugin.droppages.com
Download steps:
- Copy this link: https://ptcgcustomplugin.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/updatelist.txt
- Go to the Plugin panel in LackeyCCG and click the Paste AutoUpdate URL button.
- Hit the Install or Update from URL button.
- Go to the Preferences panel and click Appearance. Click Browse zone images and Browse table images and select the customptcg.jpg backgrounds.
Please note that LackeyCCG is a third-party software and so all the usual disclaimers apply. All downloads on the droppages site were produced by bbninjas.
Who Updates This?
A Council maintains the plugin and updates it with selected works from time to time. The current members of the Council are: bbninjas, CardPone, DoubleAACE, Jabberwock, & Nyan. If you have any queries or concerns, please contact them here.Expansions & Formats
SEE ALL CARDS HERE - [Lackey Gallery of Cards spreadsheet]This section lists information on each original 'set' or 'expansion' that has been included in this plugin thus far. Due to the occasional rule change (refer to Table 1) and the presence of power-creep, we have segregated these expansions into era-based formats. These are:
Classic (Classic, Gym, Neo, E-card)
--to be announced--
EX-era (ex)
--to be announced--
Platinum: Ardent Genesis — PMJ
Platinum: Unsung Heroes [Remastered] — PMJ
Platinum: Ultra Invasion — TheOmegaOne & PMJ
Miniset: Skies Above — Jabberwock
Welkin — Zygarde
Platinum: Unsung Heroes [Remastered] — PMJ
Platinum: Ultra Invasion — TheOmegaOne & PMJ
Miniset: Skies Above — Jabberwock
Welkin — Zygarde
Expanded Modern (BW, XY, SM)
Winchfall: Spectral Relics — Jabberwock
SM: Festive Battles — steffenka
SM: Forgotten Allies — PMJ
SM: High Stakes — PMJ
Legacy Collection: Sinnoh - rex
SM: Festive Battles — steffenka
SM: Forgotten Allies — PMJ
SM: High Stakes — PMJ
Legacy Collection: Sinnoh - rex
Table 1 — Rules for each format:

There is also an Unlimited format where anything goes, which uses Modern rules. Cards designed for custom eras will be included in the format that best fits. See this visual representation of all cards in format.
How to Submit New Cards
We’re getting more and more people interested in submitting sets for Lackey — which is great to see! — so we wanted to clarify a few things about the process:
How do I submit my set for council review?
Sets are submitted via PokéBeach PM. This is so that we have a record of the submission, and don’t misplace the set under a bunch of other messages on Discord. Make sure to include bbninjas, CardPone, DoubleAACE, Jabberwock, Nyan, and The Ωmega One as participants on the PM.
The PM should contain:
- a link to a sta.sh (preferred), deviantART gallery, or Google Drive folder with the set in question
- the Lackey format (DPPt or Expanded Modern) that your set is intended for
- a way to contact you (Discord tag is fine)
How many cards can I submit at once?
There are no formal limits, but be reasonable. The smallest set we’ve ever accepted was 5 cards and the largest was 217, but each of those sets had something unifying them in a way stronger than just “these are some cards I made”. For the average set, 80-130 cards is a good ballpark range.
When will my set get reviewed? When will I hear back?
When you submit your set for review, it gets added to a queue. Priority is given to those who don’t already have sets in Lackey, which basically means that if you’re a new submitter, your set will be moved up in the queue ahead of everyone who isn’t.
First, we’ll make the preliminary decision of whether to review your set or not. If we decline to review it, it means it needs substantial work beyond what we could fix in a normal review process. At this point, we’ll make clear what you can do to fix it, and the opportunity is still open to re-submit at a later date. Either way, we’ll let you know whether we’re accepting or declining your set in about a week after it reaches the front of the queue. Feel free to prod us if it takes longer.
If your set is accepted for review, you’ll temporarily receive the Lackey Review role on Discord, which gets you into a new channel where you’ll be looped into the review process. This way, you’re privy to all the conversations about your set and you retain some amount of executive power over how stuff gets changed. This is something we were glad to do with rex in his recent review, and it seems like a good solution for everyone going forward.
At this point, it’s very likely we’ll eventually implement it into Lackey, but we do take a while on the review process! At the moment, our average review time for an average set is about 3 months (including breaks between set implementations). It’s important that we look at each card in a set and carefully consider how it will play out in the Lackey metagame, so please be patient.
And that’s basically all there is to it! We’ll let you know as soon as your set has finished review, and it will be implemented in Lackey shortly afterward. Best of luck, and happy faking!
Currently under review:
@Jabberwock's BW: Plasma Revival
@steffenka's SM: Prismatic Kingdom
@Jabberwock's BW: Plasma Revival
@steffenka's SM: Prismatic Kingdom
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