Regidrago VSTAR — Not the BDIF in a Vacuum, But the BDIF for a Wide Meta


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Hello to all PokeBeach readers! This is Gabriel Semedo, and this time, I’m going to talk about the second of my two deck options for the Latin America International Championships (LAIC): the renowned Regidrago VSTAR. You can check out my other deck option, the combination of Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR and Terapagos ex, in my previous article.
At the time of writing this article, the tournament is coming up soon, so I think it’s remarkable that I’ve managed to reduce my options to two. Sometimes I feel like I’m a little late in my preparation, like I should have already decided on my choice with the full 60...

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The moment I saw Exeggutor ex be used with a Regidrago is when I realized how insane Drago is now. It has access to Phantom Dive to stunlock Evolution decks, it has Lost Impact to deal with other VSTARs and Stage 2 ex's, it has Trifrost to mow down any single prize deck in two turns, and now with Exeggutor ex it can straight up gimp Raging Bolt which was its biggest rival.

It has such an oppressive amount of coverage now that I would be lying in saying it still isn't flatout BDIF for the rest of Regulation F-H. There are still counters, yes. Regidrago needs to not have a bad start, yes. But once you get the snowball rolling, it will cause an avalanche.
More than other decks and Pokemon being better (as Zard ex is in a vacuum is still a generally better Pokemon I feel), I think it’s more Dusknoir that really is killing off Zard decks. For example, something like Terapagos ex, which is heavily reliant on keeping a stadium out and a full bench of 8 just to deal a max average of 220 (assuming DTE) would be bad in any general sense. However Dusknoir changes the math completely, allowing it to pick up KOs it has no right in getting normally and thus outspeeding even Charizard ex, which gifts itself enough energy to always attack when it hits because it can abuse Noctowl and its near broken ability to grab any 2 trainers not limited by type. Ditto for Dragapult ex, sure 200 and 60 spread is annoying, but not traditionally game breaking; toss in Dusknoir though and all of a sudden it’s picking off stuff and getting OHKOs it normally wouldn’t and not having to settle for 2HKOs.

In comparison, Zard ex doesn’t really benefit that super much from having Dusknoir as the other decks; sure you might be able to snipe something off or enable an early game OHKO, but Zard’s main advantage is getting stronger as the game progresses generally, so Dusknoir becomes less valuable as the game goes on.
When this card first arrived with Silver Tempest, I was hopeful that Regidrago would make it big someday. Nowadays, it's constantly making it big, and don't even get me started on how broken this deck is in Expanded, because cards like Plasma Freeze Dragonite and Ultra Prism Dialga GX can make this deck real annoying.
it feels laughable, in hindsight at least (because this was written before the laic), to say the meta is open when regidrago was half of the top 8, 75% of the top 4, and all of the finals.

other decks aren't BAD, which is great! but they can scarcely compete. regidrago is just oppressive and relegates most dragons to the discard pile for another option for drago.