“Destined Rivals” English Pokemon Set Releasing in May!

Water Pokémon Master

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We can reveal May’s SV10 set will be named Scarlet & Violet: Destined Rivals.
As posted before, the set will release on May 30th. Prereleases will take place from May 17th to May 25th.
We expect Destined Rivals will source from Heat Wave Arena featuring Cynthia’s Garchomp ex and Ethan’s Ho-Oh ex, the Steven’s Metagross ex and Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex decks, and The Glory of Team Rocket featuring Rocket’s Mewtwo ex.



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So hype over no dedicated rocket set. Just a repeat of Gym Challenge set. In the end journey together and sv10 set are the modern versions of gym heroes and gym challenge.

I love the trainers set btw so im hyped but i know many will be disappointed.
Sadly the timing doesn't work, the Unova pokedex set is such a better set to do for the special set because it plays off of 151 because Unova was supposed to be the reset with 151 new pokemon
I agree, and it's a nice breath of fresh air from Kanto too. I am just too nostalgic for Team Rocket Returns, so my opinion is totally biased :p
Yeah whats up with these names lately. I actually dont hate Journey together but Ik many did. Either way its gonna be such a pain to wait all that to be able to play Ethan. Also the other "Rivals" set we had also had "trainer's pokemon" with a mix of team galactic and GLs and such so it feels more of a callback to that one
That's such a shame. The Glory of Team Rocket is such a good name they could easily port it over to the West as a special set
I’m still not 100% convinced it’s not our special set - destined rivals could very easily be referring to all those trainers since we are “destined” to “rival” them to get through the story 😮‍💨 and they have been slowly creeping towards similar/ simultaneous Japan release tables so 🤞🤞

It’s just wild to flip back and forth between sets with 30 secret rares to sets with 90 secret rares but with similar base set of cards - and that’s gotta effect the selling rate of sets like stellar being tiny and paradox/Paldea evolved being HUGE

but I guess 2 separate black and white boxes on the special set ETB and set Booster bundles makes more sense then 2 for *just* a rocket set 😪 AND I guess it IS better with rocket tucked into a bigger set so it’s not just so scalped and disappeared no one can get any
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i actually really like the name! i think the inclusion of the rocket cards will still make it an insanely popular set despite not having rocket in the name. im already very very afraid of what last year's pull rates + this set's SIRs will equal in terms of singles prices...... unless they up the pull rates for year 3 like they did with brilliant stars??? (please)
I wonder if Rocket’s Pokémon will be the only Trainer’s Pokémon in The Glory of Team Rocket or if they’ll do say, Red or Giovanni in it as well
I don't really understand the decision that they didn't include "Rocket" in the English set name. Missed opportunity for sure as this would have tickled the nostalgia. Anyways as long as the cards are cool we'll be fine.