Ethan’s Pinsir & Ethan’s Sudowoodo from Heat Wave Arena!


Grass-Type Gym Leader
News Staff
Ethan’s Pinsir and Ethan’s Sudowoodo will appear in Heat Wave Arena, which releases on March 14th in Japan. The cards from the set will become part of our Destined Rivals set in May.
Ethan’s Pinsir – Grass – HP120
Basic Pokémon
[G] Vise Grip: 20 damage.
[C][C][C] One-Point Return: 70+ damage. If any of your Ethan’s Pokémon were Knocked Out by damage from an attack from your opponent’s Pokémon during their last turn, this attack does 100 more damage.
Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: None
Retreat: 2...

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Pinsir could be a solid Zard killer if it ever comes back in full force.
Sudowoodo has a funny secondary attack, but basics with 1 energy retreat locks can have their uses. Look at LOR Mawile
Sudowoodo is funny, would be funnier if DTE was still a thing. Pinsir is mid, there’s actually already a different Pinsir that kills Charizard with a 3-energy attack that isn’t constrained to Ethan’s deck
So happy blocklax is rotating, and now they are printing more and more "can't retreat" attacks.
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Oof. That Sudowoodo sucks. A single Pinsir and Pichu as tech choices. 3x3 Quilava and Magcargo. And what? 2 Ho oh?
Armarouge Box is about to pop off- Ho-Oh can be the only Ethan's card if you want- then you just use it to accelerate Fire to itself and send the energy up to whatever you want to attack in the active. You don't need any of the other stage 1's for this- just the baby Armarouge- a few Ho-Oh's and then a bunch of basic attackers- Like Mew ex, Gouging Fire, etc. FIRE BOX.
Assuming this is the last of the Ethan’s Pokémon, I still don’t have much confidence in Ethan’s Ho-oh as an engine or deck. It’ll be a new fire box at most, which wasn’t showing much late in the current western format. Arc Armor fell like a rock and Armor-Ho-oh will probably be a very similar deal to that. Pinsir is useful enough as a one-of covering Charizard. I almost trust Typhlosion more than I trust Ho-oh/Magcargo as a deck. Oh well, hoping we see something that changes my mind.
With Jamming Tower, Ho-Oh, and attachment for turn, Pinsir can be powered up in 1 turn and OHKO Cynthia's Garchomp
So happy blocklax is rotating, and now they are printing more and more "can't retreat" attacks.
I don’t mind them as much having retreat locks that damage and therefore have a time limit before needing to swap targets, not to mention an energy need. Pre-rotation having multiple ways of retreat lock for no damage, as well as Snorlax and a really ugly cardpool to back it getting rid of switch outs, felt really bad. It’s not perfect to have retreat locks and a metagame that frowns against including techs against em, but at least you don’t get locked forever.