Ponyta and Rapidash from Heat Wave Arena!


Miss Vaanjie
Ponyta and Rapidash have been revealed from SV9a Heat Wave Arena! The set releases on March 14th in Japan. The cards from the set will become part of our Destined Rivals set in May. Thanks goes to Toine L. for translations!
Ponyta – Fire – HP70
Basic Pokémon
[C] : 10x damage. Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage for each heads.
Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: None
Retreat: 1

Rapidash – Fire – HP110
Stage 1 – Evolves from Ponyta
Ability: Hurried Gait
Once during your turn, you may draw a card.
[R][C] Fire Mane: 60 damage.
Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: None
Retreat: 1
The Illustration Rare version of Rapidash was also...

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The illustration rare is a little... Unsettling. But I don't hate it.
Also, the ability will see use during its lifetime for sure. Not sure how much synergy it will have specifically with Ethan, but it will surely be useful for a fire box deck.
It would be great to see some fire energy acceleration that isn't locked behind Ethan's Archetype.
Drawing a single card per turn on a fully-evolved Stage 1 with no other redeeming qualities is bulk material. We already have this card in standard with Wyrdeer, and it has seen literally zero play. I don’t see this ever seeing any play. The IR is pretty though
If this ability were on Ponyta it might see some play, but as a Stage 1 with this attack? Nah I dont think so.
Drawing a single card per turn on a fully-evolved Stage 1 with no other redeeming qualities is bulk material. We already have this card in standard with Wyrdeer, and it has seen literally zero play. I don’t see this ever seeing any play. The IR is pretty though
This is a little better in that Ponyta can be searched with Buddy-Buddy Poffin whereas Stantler can't. But yes I don't think this will see much play when cards like Dudunsparce or Revavroom exist.
Drawing a single card per turn on a fully-evolved Stage 1 with no other redeeming qualities is bulk material. We already have this card in standard with Wyrdeer, and it has seen literally zero play. I don’t see this ever seeing any play. The IR is pretty though
Wyrdeer came out in the same set as Radiant Greninja which is of course a superior card. With Greninja rotating, along with Bibarel and refinement Kirlia, and N's Zoroark being a 2 prizer, I can see people experimenting with this (unless there is another card I am forgetting). Though Dudunsparce is probably a better option.
We’ve seen this ability on cards like Alolan Sandslash GRI and Sawsbuck CEC and it never saw play. This ability would need to be ever so slightly better like Slurpuff PHF and Gholdengo ex, which draw an extra card if you were in the active (Okay, maybe that’s more than just “slightly” better when you consider your ability to draw up to 8 cards per turn with Switching effects).