H H HypnoticChairman Oct 3, 2012 Every time I look at your avatar, I get the feeling Hatman's back. why must you tease me so/
D D DNA Oct 3, 2012 TheOtterBoy, it also rolls off the tongue easier. But nostalgia's a big part too.
D D DNA Sep 17, 2012 TheOtterBoy, I don't even know who Steak and Koda are... also, there were no Dusk Balls in Crystal
R R redterror117 Sep 10, 2012 TheOtterBoy, Both should be the level that they originate at, so the Swablu i think is level 1, and Eppie Mew should be the same level as the original (which I think is Faraway Mew)
TheOtterBoy, Both should be the level that they originate at, so the Swablu i think is level 1, and Eppie Mew should be the same level as the original (which I think is Faraway Mew)
D D DNA Sep 10, 2012 Worry not; I've had people pushing me to play it for years I'll get around to it when I get around to it.
Worry not; I've had people pushing me to play it for years I'll get around to it when I get around to it.
D D DNA Sep 10, 2012 TheOtterBoy, I don't play Mother 3, but I know of many many things from it. The Wes Dance is one of those things.
TheOtterBoy, I don't play Mother 3, but I know of many many things from it. The Wes Dance is one of those things.