Nigel Nov 3, 2012 pokemonmbl, How much do you value it at? Also, I just killed a groooosss huge cockroach
Nigel Nov 3, 2012 pokemonmbl, I'm little and poor and dont have money 2x Dragon Vault Rayquazas I also have a secret rare golden Rocky Helmet from BC, 4x Ability Garbodors, 4x Empoleon DE, and 2x Ability Hydreigon DRX.
pokemonmbl, I'm little and poor and dont have money 2x Dragon Vault Rayquazas I also have a secret rare golden Rocky Helmet from BC, 4x Ability Garbodors, 4x Empoleon DE, and 2x Ability Hydreigon DRX.
Nigel Nov 3, 2012 I am interested in: -Oshawott Train Plush -FA Skyla I have: - 2x Darkrai-EX - 1x Ho-Oh-EX - 1x Shelmet Staff Stamped Promo - 2x Non-EX Rayquazas - Pretty much every kind of foil energy LMK with what you're interested in. Aside from the Oshawott Plush, I'm only looking for 2 FA Skylas and 2 Landorus-EX
I am interested in: -Oshawott Train Plush -FA Skyla I have: - 2x Darkrai-EX - 1x Ho-Oh-EX - 1x Shelmet Staff Stamped Promo - 2x Non-EX Rayquazas - Pretty much every kind of foil energy LMK with what you're interested in. Aside from the Oshawott Plush, I'm only looking for 2 FA Skylas and 2 Landorus-EX
Z Z Zorua Oct 9, 2012 A couple days ago? Not exaclty positive what day exactly. Let me know when you get it though!
Machamp The Champion Sep 24, 2012 pokemonmbl, Sure, I actually need to test with that deck more. Send me a PTCG link when you're ready.
pokemonmbl, Sure, I actually need to test with that deck more. Send me a PTCG link when you're ready.
C C Celebi23 Sep 23, 2012 pokemonmbl, I am, but I only am willing to trade some select cards for them since they have no practical use. What cards do you have, and what are you looking for?
pokemonmbl, I am, but I only am willing to trade some select cards for them since they have no practical use. What cards do you have, and what are you looking for?
Mudkip711 Sep 16, 2012 Ahh ok. I've never heard of one so I thought it was a misprint or something from Base Set.