blargh257, Yeah. Keldeo's tough, though not impossible. Early pressure with Mewtwo is critical in my games. It helps to have a Mewtwo powered up ready to revenge your opponent's Mewtwo. I remember in a game a played, I had three energies on Mewtwo trying to prevent him setting up a Blastoise on his bench. It didn't quite work, so I used the energy switches to move the extra energy off of Mewtwo (and power up a third Mewtwo at this point), so that I would require my opponent to have three on his Mewtwo, making it much easier to revenge. It is worth noting that I still lost that game (due to being N'd into a dead hand, and getting rid of the Tropical Beach), but I had the upper hand at that point. If you find you're having a lot of trouble with Keldeo, you could always try Shaymin or Virizion EP.