Desert Ninja
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  • You can just say Conner for KoN because, you know, he IS your brother. I know who you're talking about when you say that.
    SHUT UP.
    I'm not trying to make Weavile Exeggcute.
    I'm trying to make a deck that effectively uses Metagross, and Weavile seemed fun to me.
    And we're actually the Revengers now?
    Meh, fine with me. One of us has to get Top Cut in some tournament for us to revenge against anything though. Or you could revenge my anti-lucksack.
    they would never get rid of your tool because of lugia.... so there choice is to be locked or have you take 1+ prize to me it sounds pretty good.

    at least im not trying to make wyvile execute metagross like KoN and blargh
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