dmaster, Computer Search is due to needing a reference, but if you have a reference you'd just play the ACE SPEC instead. Oh, and I've heard that in Unlimited you can play the non-ACE SPEC Computer Search at 4, woohoo!
As for the Superior Energy Retrieval...I will have to disagree.
dmaster, EXP. Share is the actual name of the item. For an unknown reason, it got changed to "EXP. ALL" in the North American localization of Red/Blue/Yellow, probably to illustrate its effect.
The item came back in Gen 2 with a different effect, but with the same name, so they changed it back.
dmaster, ...I was acting off of common sense too. I thought you were right, then went to the Compendium to check and it said otherwise.
then sheninja damn him kept bugging me and I was looking around to shut him up
stupid frickin teenagers