Brave Vesperia
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  • I feel like I am flooding your profile with comments, when I get into something I can't seem to stop until I feel finished, but I do enjoy what you have to say. :) It really helps me with my need of knowing different perspectives. :)
    Brave Vesperia, Its really hard to understand what the brain is when I read your sentence as if the brain is personified. :) In all seriousness, the function of the brain does work like a person, but you cannot not control that person. Its like the brain of a person has a mind of its own. (sorting all the information and etc.)
    In my life I question everything, in the media there are people who are categorize as a genius like: Elbert Einstein. But to me there are no geniuses because Knowledge or smarts can not be ranked on a scale, because if you take a person who knows physics and people call that person a genius. Then you put that person who is fantastic at physics into a school that only teaches about pandas, that person would not be considered a genius. Its all about perspective.
    -I just wanted to say what was on my mind.
    Brave Vesperia, A psychologist once told me, We really don't know anything, if what we learned so far in life was incorrect. So for a fact I can not say whether or not things happen for a reason, because I don't know. Also I can relate to your brother (not implying I know how your brother behaves) in way how I act around others, people in my life at school who don't know me think I am childish, or act like a child, but what they don't understand is that I am able to be myself. And express myself through my imagination. And my friends that know me think highly of me, since my imagination helps me excel in classes that require creativity such as physics and math, and coming up with stories in language class. I enjoy what you said at the end of your sentence: "it wouldn't be fun if everyone though the same exact way, now would it?" I can relate, because when playing black 2, then white 2 the story felt uninteresting because I knew it already.
    Brave Vesperia, Thanks ^^
    I moderate the XY, General Pokemon Discussion, and Wifi Trading Center boards.
    Brave Vesperia, Believe or not, it was flowing out of my brain. I made it all up. Acting class has really helped me come up with things on the spot, so when I write something I am able to say what my sub-conscious mind is thinking a lot more easier. For some reason I feel as though my brain knows what to write before I write anything. :) If you google my quote I made-up you will not find it on the internet, because I made it up. :) Thank you for your polite comment.
    Brave Vesperia, I aspire to be the first one to tell you Happy Birthday here on the forums! ^_^
    Brave Vesperia, I just thought it would be fancy for me to be the one to post first. :D

    I look forward to our birthday wishing rivalry. :p
    Brave Vesperia, Wow, that's a lot of codes. o-o The only codes I have are the ones from the Prerelease my Mom and I went to. Hopefully, I'll get enough cards to update my old decks. And yeah, I'll be able to play then.
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